Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Today I was just.plain.tired.  All of my 4:30 am wake ups last week and the 3:30 am wake up on Sunday finally caught up with me.  Today was the first day I didn't work out in over 3 weeks.  My body (and my husband) told me to sleep in and just take a rest day.  So I was able to sleep in until 6:15 when Vera wanted to get this day started.  I'll admit though, as I have before - I'm much less tired throughout the day if I actually get up earlier and work out than if I sleep in and don't. Even though my body needed it - my brain and spirit needs the work out more.

Stella had preschool this morning.  Looking at this picture of her just astounds me.  I cannot believe that my baby is so old already.  She tells me today "Mommy, I'm going to be 4 in February".  STOP IT.  FOUR?  It just doesn't seem possible.  She is such an independent little girl and just wants to do everything on her own.  

Instead of working my butt off during nap time like I usually do - I took a NAP.  A legitimate nap and it felt awesome.  I haven't had any caffeine the last 2 days since I'm doing the 3 Day Refresh so I think that didn't help with feeling tired and I had a slight headache.  After my nap I felt totally better. Vera is known for waking up on the wrong side of the bed after nap time.  Like almost every day.  I walk in her room and she just say NO to me over and over.  Usually takes her a good 15-20 minutes to snap out of it and resume happiness.  Here is an action shot of the joy after nap time.

Tonight we were headed to Stella's gymnastics and the girls were just in the back LAUGHING hysterically for no reason.  It snapped me out of my "off" mood and made me realize again that we do just need to laugh.  Nothing is that serious.  I love the way these little people can teach you so much and give you those gentle reminders on what is important in life.  I swear they are constantly teaching me way more than I teach them.

On the way to gymnastics, Stella reminded me that parents should stay out in the hallway and not come in. That is what their teacher suggested.  Stella said "Mommy, can you guys please not go in there with me because I really need to pay attention?"  Ok - maybe she's going to be 14 soon.   

After gymnastics I headed to our kick off meeting for Hand 2 Hand.  This is a ministry I'm involved in through our church, South Harbor.  We pack food for kids at various schools in Byron Center - kids that just don't have enough food at home for the weekend.  It's a ministry that is really close to my heart and I've been involved as a packing coordinator for a few years now.  It is amazing how many kids in our own back yards are struggling just getting enough food at home.  We have so many volunteers come...from little kids to older, retired people.  It fills my heart with so much joy to see everyone brought together to take care of our community!

Off to my team call for now - I hope everyone had a great Monday.  And by Monday - I mean Tuesday.  I was going to delete that but then I thought it was funny because I was convinced it was Monday until I almost hit publish.  Early bed time tonight!