Thursday, September 11, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 4

So far this week I've been able to get up early every morning to get my workout in - so I've felt really on track and more energized this week for sure.  Like I said before, the past few weeks there were definitely days where I just didn't get up and worked out during nap time.  Not for me, folks!

This morning's workout was Pilates Fix.

You would think just getting done with PiYo that I would be stoked to do this one.  But for some reason, I just don't enjoy Pilates like I do a more fast-paced, higher intensity workout.  We are all different and this type of workout isn't my absolute favorite.  It's also harder for me because I'm not super flexible or super strong yet.  So I know it's very important that I continue with these types of workouts so I can get stronger and more flexible.  The actual workout was great - I really liked the variety and like the other 21 Day Fix workouts I've done so far this week, it really does just fly right by.  I still really like Autumn too!

Quick rundown on the food.  No pics today because I ate a lot of the same stuff so I won't bore everyone with pics of the same food!

Breakfast: 1 Red Container - Egg Whites
Morning Snack: 1 Blue Container - Hummus
                           1 Green Container - Cucumber slices
Lunch: 1 Red - Chocolate Shakeology
            1 Red - Greek Yogurt
            1 Purple - Banana
Afternoon Snack: 1 Green - Summer squash and zucchini baked
                              2 tsp - All natural peanut butter
Dinner: 1 Red - Chicken breast
              1 Yellow - Sweet Potato
             1 Green - 10 Asparagus Spears
PM Snack: 1 Yellow Rolled oats
                   1 Purple - Apple

I don't usually do a PM snack, but for some reason I was just really hungry tonight and I had a yellow and purple container left over and I wanted to eat all of my containers today for sure.  Now I'm really full and good til the morning!  Definitely admit that it was a struggle for me this afternoon.  I really had the urge to snack and was super excited when it was dinner time.  I don't think I was actually hungry though - I think I was just "feeling" like eating.

I know I've said it numerous times already, but I'm really enjoying this program.  I'm actually excited to get up and do the workout - so that definitely shows me how interested I am.  I love that I have my meals and portions planned out and it's actually quite easy.  It seemed pretty complicated at first when I was going through everything but once you know what you can eat, what you like to eat and what fits in the containers - your day is really easy to plan out! As long as I have the groceries I need - I'm good to go and I can even switch things up a little if plans change or if I'm craving something different than what's on my plan.

Everything you need to succeed is right here!