Thursday, September 18, 2014

21 Day Fix, Day 11

Pilates Fix this morning - I needed the slow down after the awesome workouts I got Monday-Wednesday. Even though Pilates isn't my favorite type of workout in general, I do like this one because there's so much variety and she breaks it up so much that time flies right on by.  There are some really tough moves and my body was burning.  This one isn't a super calorie torcher which is ok - because it can't be all about that.  It's important to work your body in different ways so that it doesn't get used to the SAME stuff all the time and stop changing.

I'm thrilled with my results so far and I'm motivated to push myself even harder through the last half of this program.  Oh and I got this gem in the mail today.  #cannotwait

I've been wanting to try this for a while now seeing other's great results from it but I just kept putting it off.  I figured I could wait until the end of the 21 Day Fix to finish this hard work off with a bang. Some people use it to jump start their healthy lifestyle, some people use it after a vacation where they might have eaten worse than normal, and some people use it during or after a workout program to help boost over the plateau that might be haltering more results. I can't wait to try it out and to report how I liked it.

Stella had school this morning so Vera and I had some more of our quality alone time.  We watched McKenna (she is obsessed).  It's an American Girl movie that Stella won at a doll tea part at our church. It's not even a cartoon.  But it's the ONLY thing she will ever want to watch when we have the TV on.  We don't have cable so there aren't a lot of options there - but we do have a lot of kid movies and she still is obsessed with this one.  Then we did nails.  Painting a 21 month old's nails is not easy because they don't understand the important of the whole drying process.  I pick light colors to be on the safe side.  And because I'm terrible at painting nails.  I painted my own after hers and as usual put way too much on, chipped and gouged most of it off within 15 minutes and now look like Vera painted my nails.  At least they looked presentable in the picture.

Rundown on the day's 21 Day Fix Meal Plan.....

Breakfast: Red - Egg Whites, Yellow - Ezekiel bread
AM Snack: Green - Raw Cauliflower, Blue - Hummus
Lunch: Red - Shakeology, Red - Greek Yogurt, Purple - Banana.  I made the girls some whole wheat pancakes and I took one bite.  Couldn't resist - those things are the bomb.  After I stole my bite, I made their plates pretty and added a little butter, some maple syrup, and some whipped cream to make it a really special lunch.  Put some strawberries and raspberries on the side and the plates were licked clean! Click on the link to get the recipe!

PM Snack: Green - cucumbers, Orange - sunflower seeds
Dinner: Red - Baked pork tenderloin, Purple - Apple, Yellow - Sweet Potato, Green - Broccoli

I cut up an apple and put it on top of the pork to bake.  It was so delicious and sweet.

After bedtime I felt a little left in me so I put in Total Body Cardio Fix and rocked a double workout today.  I needed that tonight after a long day.  Looking forward to another cardio day tomorrow and am going to try to throw some 10 Minute Ab Fix in there too!