Tuesday, September 9, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 2

Day two is almost a wrap folks!

I woke up at 4:30 am, and did Upper Fix and loved it.  It worked the upper body (duh) - so it wasn't a super big calorie burner, only about 120 calories burned.  But that's ok because it's not all about the calorie burn every time.  Building muscle is super important for burning calories when I'm not working out.  Oh, and I want muscle - so it makes sense :)

Breakfast was 1 Red container of egg whites.  I wasn't super hungry so this was enough for me this morning.

After we dropped Stella off at preschool - Vera and I came home and had our morning snack.  1 Green container of cucumbers and 1 Blue container of hummus.

I buy these individual hummus containers from Costco and they are so handy and delicious.  And they fit perfectly in the blue container I'm allowed!

As always, I looked forward to lunch because I have my Shakeology for lunch.  Did exactly the same as yesterday besides the orange container of flax seed (I was saving my 1 Orange container for my dinner's salad dressing).  So my shake included 1 Red of Chocolate Shakeology scoop, 1 Red of greek yogurt, 1 Purple of Banana.

Afternoon snack I was boring and did the same thing as yesterday again :)  1 Green container of summer squash and zucchini.   I have a fair amount to use up so I want to make sure I don't waste them.  I used one of my tsp for extra virgin olive oil to sprinkle on them before I put my seasoning on. (reminder: I get 1 tsp of certain things for the day).  My other tsp I picked today was all natural peanut butter.

For dinner, Chad grilled up a ton of chicken breasts for me to have for all my meals for a while so I finally got some to make myself a nice little salad.  I usually have him grill up a ton at once and then I can cut off 3-4 oz pieces to use for certain meals. It really helps with planning and lasts a while. Here is my stash for the week...

For dinner I had 1 Red container of chicken breast, 1 Green container of baby spinach, 1 Yellow container of steamed sweet potato, and 1 orange container of my homemade 21 Day Fix approved Balsamic Vinaigrette.  It.was.delicious.  And I was full, for real!

I have one more purple container left and my plan was to eat an apple with one of my snacks, but quite honesty - I just never got to it.  So I think I'm just going to leave that one out today.  I don't want to do that again in the future, so I need to make sure I follow my plan to a T.  But there will be some days where I just might not feel like something that was on my plan.  It's a work in progress, right??

Can't wait to get up to do the Lower Fix tomorrow morning!

I am off to a team call with my amazing Desire to Inspire Beachbody team.  Can't wait to talk and brainstorm and share ideas.  I love being surrounded by people who are so full of passion and dedication - it's contagious!