Friday, September 26, 2014

5 Random Things About Me

Just for fun - 5 Random Facts About Me

1. I am a little lot psycho about time.  I have an irrational fear of being late anywhere I go and I usually end up being way too early for everything.  Ask my roommate from college.  I would be at least a half hour early for every class I had in the morning and just sit in the hall.  I haven't changed much in that regard.  My husband gets a lot of ammunition to make fun of me for it.  The last vacation we took - we didn't GET to the airport until our plane started boarding.  ANXIETY.  Of course we were fine and my husband thought it was hilarious.

2. Five years ago I never worked out, drank a boat load of diet coke, hardly ever ate a meal at home, absolutely no vegetables or fruit, drank too much alcohol, worked at a job that I felt zero passion for, was 25 lbs heavier than I am now, wasn't married and didn't have kids.  It's crazy how much can change in 5 years!  I feel like my whole life has changed in a few years and I've never been happier, healthier and more filled up. It's amazing what can change when YOU decide to make some choices. Life changes outside of your comfort zone.

when we first started dating
3. We decided that were done having kids.  Three girls is really enough for us and we knew we were done. But when I see little newborn babies, I'd be lying if I said my ovaries don't hurt just a little bit. :) It's weird to know that I'll never have a tiny baby like that again.  You rush back to being in that hospital bed when you first meet that new little life you created.  It's funny how you NEVER think of the labor, you only think of after.  God made us special that way.  Even though it does make me a little sad to know I'll never have a tiny baby again and feel that rush of that life-changing time....I also am reminded of how hard that newborn stage is.  I know it's not super hard for some people (or they are just really good liars), but for me it was hard.  My hormones and emotions were a wreck for a while, I don't do well on little makes me crazy.  And Vera had so many ear infections, she just had such a rough first year of life.  I'm loving the stage my girls are at now. I love that we can all talk to each other, and play and pretend.  Oh and that I can actually take a shower when I want to...that's really nice too. I'm still not able to pee alone, but one day we'll get there too.

4. We got rid of our cable when we moved because we felt like it was a huge waste of money.  It's been really fine because we keep ourselves busy with other stuff. But now fall shows are on.  Do you know how many good fall shows there are on local channels??  Too many.  We have regular TV because we have an antenna outside about as big as a space station.  But what don't we have?  DVR. Pause.  Rewind. We got so used to those things.  We hadn't watched a commercial in years!  Now we actually have to watch a show when it is on, we can't pause it or rewind if we missed something, and if there are two shows on at once - we have to pick.  GASP.  Does anybody have a VCR we could borrow with some blank tapes?  That would be really helpful, thanks!

5. I have no fashion sense.  I see outfits on people and think "wow, that's so cute" - but I could never go to the mall and recreate an outfit for myself.  Which is probably why I end up trying one plain color t-shirt on, liking the way it fits - and then choose to buy 4 colors of the same shirt.  Seems easier. And fashion is WAY too expensive anyway.  Some outfits people wear, all I can think is - how in the world did you spend that much $$ on ONE outfit? I wish I was more adventurous on the fashion front.  I did get some crazy leggings for my birthday that I wore once so far.  I felt pretty daring that day, let me tell you.  I also have no idea how to use a curling iron.  What 32 year old doesn't know how to curl her hair with a curling iron?  This girl...that's who.  I can curl the right side of my head decently with a straight-iron.  But the left side always ends up being a hot mess.  We all have our strengths, I guess??  I just feel bad for my girls if I can never figure out how to curl their hair!