Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Insanity Max:30 - DETAILS!

Ohhhh I'm so excited - Insanity Max:30 Launches NEXT WEEK - December 2nd!

You all know Shaun T ~ creator of Hip Hop Abs, Rockin Body, Insanity, Insanity the Asylum, T25 and now Insanity Max:30.   

Coach Exclusive:  SWEAT FEST is the coach exclusive that you only get when you buy from a coach.  Old Insanity cast members and coaches!  It's just a little impromptu workout that is a rockin' good time!

Insanity Max 30 includes 150 NEW MOVES to help you dig a little deeper and get your body in the very best shape of your life! This workout combines CARDIO and STRENGTH TRAINING without using any equipment at all.  Your body is your equipment for this workout!  That is all you need! 

The program is 60 days long and is broken down into month 1 and month 2. The workouts are all 30 minutes each with a 10 minute Ab workout.  This program is not about making it all the way through the entire 30 minutes, but to "MAX OUT" and GO HARD until you have to take a break! THEN you aim to increase that time the next day.

Who can do Insanity Max:30?  
Anyone that is ready to start their fitness journey with an INTENSE workout. It does have a MODIFIER. If you've completed Insanity and loved it, or if you're a T25 graduate and are ready for more of a challenge, then this is for you!  

The workouts in the first month are a combo of cardio and tabata style strength workouts. Your goal is to beat your time from the day before!  

What is a Tabata workout?  
It is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off with the workout structure.

The second month is all about taking it to the MAX and challenging yourself to the fullest! Now the intervals are 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off, challenging both endurance and strength.

What is Maxing out?  
To Max Out means to stop or fail for the first time in the workout. It's really not about getting through all 30 minutes. It's about going as hard as you can for as long as you can, until you MAX OUT.  Write down the time take a break, and then you want to jump back into the workout. If you stay committed and push to your max you will add more time each week with the workouts!  

In this program, MAXING OUT is a good thing!

What comes with the kit and how much does it cost??
***12 Workouts on 10 DVDS, MAX out Nutrition Guide, Restaurant Guide, Wall Calendar. 60 day program, 30 days of workouts in each block.

Month 1:  

*Cardio Challenge: Cardio ~ 4 1/2 minute interval 30 second rest.
*Sweat Intervals:  Cardio
*Tabata Power:  Plyometrics
*Friday Fight
*OPTIONAL Saturday Workout: Pulse workout ~ Focus on core, balance and form. 

Month 2:

*5 1/2 minutes and then the break.  
*Tabata Workout: 45 seconds on 15 second rest and 6 rounds and at the end an extra something!
*Friday Fight Round 2

Why you should you track your progress:  Because psychologically you want to see your progress!  You want to see each week how far you went and if you went 1 minute longer. You can always have a challenge for yourself. I know I thrive on a good challenge :)

Meal Plan:  Flexible eating and portion control. Super easy to follow, effective, and crucial to your results!

***Deluxe Kit: comes with 3 extra workouts and the portion controlled containers.  

So how can you get it?  
You can ONLY get it through a Team Beachbody coach starting on DECEMBER 2ND! If you don't have a coach, CLICK HERE to create a FREE profile and EMAIL ME. ALSO, I am starting an INSANITY MAX:30 TEST GROUP! So if you are interested in participating, RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW! 

Insanity Max:30 Test Group:
You will get access to my PRIVATE CHALLENGE GROUP, held in a closed online facebook group. No one but the members of the group can see what is being posted. I will help you prepare ahead of time for your start of the workout. We will take measurements, before photos, and meal plan together. I will also provide you with a nutrition guide, recipes, and LOTS of motivation! We will take small steps to get you toward your ultimate goals!! t's about progress over perfection! Just fill out the form below and you can reserve your spot in my EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP!

Fill out my online form.
The easy to use Wufoo form builder helps you make forms easy, fast, and fun.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How to Order Black Friday Deals

UPDATE:::::The SALE IS LIVE NOW!! This edit was made at 2pm.

To make it sure easy for you - as soon as they go live at 8pm, all you have to do is click below on the link for the product you want and it will take you right where you need to go. Should be super helpful to get it done quick so you don't have to worry about things selling out!

The first link will take you to ALL the Sale Items! The rest will take you to each specific item to make finding and ordering super simple for you. Here is the listing of the sales prices again for you too!

Link to all Sale items 
TurboFire® Original Kit
TurboFire® Deluxe DVDs + Journal
P90X® + FREE P90X Plus
P90X2® + FREE P90X Plus
P90X3® + FREE P90X Plus
Slim Series®
Hip Hop Abs® Dance Party Series - Rockin' Abs/Hard Body DVD
Barbell Weights
Barbell with Speed Safety Clips 
Ultimate Reset Dry Brush
Beachbody® Jump Mat
Stability Ball + Medicine Ball Combo Pack
Step with 4 Risers
Women's Apparel 
Men's Apparel

Tough Love

Sometimes I think tough love is super important. When I give tough loves it doesn't mean that I'm unsympathetic to people, I'm just being honest and trying to help. I was working out with Chalene Johnson this morning doing ChaLEAN Extreme and she said something that really hit home for me. She was talking about making your workouts important and scheduling the time for them.

This is what I try to teach to all of my challengers. It's important to actually schedule your workouts into your calender just like you would any other important meeting. A lot of people want to know what the best time to work out is. The answer really is - the time you know you're going to be able to focus on it. For me, it's early in the morning at 5 am. I do it before the sun rises because that's when everyone else is sleeping and I get focus on the workout and starting my day right. I know if I were to sleep in and work out later, I would have so much more time to make excuses and other people/events would eventually take up that time that I was going to use to work out later.

I asked my challengers this today.....When you woke up today, which of these mindsets did you have?

1. I'm going to TRY to work out today
2. I WILL work out today - and this is when I'm going to do it.

If you are completely honest with yourself and you said the first one, then you definitely need to work on your frame of mind. And it has NOTHING to do with how busy you are.We are all busy. You DO make time for the things that are important to you.

We all have 24 hours in a day and no matter what you tell yourself,
Saying that you'll TRY to work out today leaves you room to cop out and make excuses and you will not see the results you're after. Do you tell yourself "I'm going to TRY to go to work today?" or "I'm going to TRY to make sure my kids are fed today?" No! Because those things are important to you and they are a huge priority. When you start viewing your own health as one of those top priorities, your mindset will change and you will find yourself missing VERY few workouts. I believe our personal health should be a major priority in our lives. There is nothing selfish about wanting to take care of yourself. Your future self will thank you, you'll live a longer, healthier life, you'll have energy to keep up with your kids, and you'll SHOW your family and friends by example - what it means to take care of yourself.

Start speaking in absolutes. When you wake up today, tell yourself "I WILL work out today. I WILL care about the food I put into my body. I will show my kids that taking care of myself is super important." When you start to say these things, over time - you will absolutely start to believe them and it will become habit. And that's when you'll start to see the real changes in your life.

Monday, November 24, 2014

They Are HERE!! Black Friday Deals Unveiled!

Black Friday deals were released to us coaches and we can now share them with all of you!! First of all - the offer is valid for a LIMITED TIME ONLY starting Tuesday November 25th at 8:00 PM. 

Offer quantities are limited and we're expecting that some items will sell out VERY quickly! I will definitely be armed and ready at my computer at 8 PM sharp!

There are three ways that Beachbody is helping you ring in the season! Give yourself the gift of health, beauty and/or a killer workout.  How?? With deals 30-68% off on some of your all-time favorites!! Want to check out the deals?  Here's what you do!!

Log into and create a free account if you don't have one already and then shop til you drop!!

If you'd like to get your order in - I recommend you do it as soon as possible to ensure it's still available. Just let me know what you'd like to order and I'll send you a specific link to get you right to it.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving Survival Tips

This time of year is especially hard for anyone trying to stay on track with their health and fitness goals. We work so hard throughout the year and then first we are tempted with Halloween candy and fall treats like donuts and cider. Then Thanksgiving comes and we have big family dinners, sometimes have to travel and be away from home...leaving us feeling overwhelmed being out of our routine. And finally we all have Christmas parties filled with food and drink temptations that we normally don't have to worry about.

I definitely am not going into the holidays with the mindset that I'm going to forbid myself to have anything that I wouldn't normally eat. That just isn't practical.  But I can have a plan in place to keep myself on track. So here is my plan for Thanksgiving in general.

First thing to remember is - Thanksgiving is a day, not a whole week. I know sometimes we think, "well I know I'm going to screw up this week for Thanksgiving so I'm just going to let this week go and start over next Monday". Don't do that! You have worked so hard to get to where you are now. Don't give in unnecessarily when you can make small changes to allow in some holiday fun. That's how you become part of the statistic of the average 7-10 pound weight gain over the holidays!

I'm going to get my workouts in every single day - no matter what the holidays bring to our schedule! Thursday we are leaving super early to drive to my hometown to visit with both my parents, but I still plan to wake up early to get my workout in before all the fun happens. I know that if I don't work out before the festivities I'm going to end up feeling worse with very low energy.

Then the key is PLANNING. I'm going to have a Shakeology for breakfast before we leave because I'm definitely not missing that for a day and it will leave me feeling super full until it's time for a snack later on. Plus I know it will give me the energy I need to get through a day of traveling all over to visit family! I'm thinking a Pumpkin flavored one will be perfect for Thanksgiving!

I'm going to pack healthy snacks to eat mid-morning and mid-afternoon while we are at my parents houses. I'm going to bring apples, and cauliflower and hummus. Having the food packed with you in a cooler ensures that you have a plan in place and that you won't just grab anything that's available because you are hungry. For Thanksgiving dinner, I'm going to bring my own stuffing made with Ezekiel bread (click for recipe)- so I can do my best to keep my Thanksgiving meal as clean as possible! I'm going to have a steamed sweet potato instead of mashed potatoes, and I'm going to control my portions for sure. I'll have some of the turkey breast, a healthy portion of veggies, and I'm going to skip the bread. While the bread is delicious at the time, it never seems totally worth it afterwards. I feel too bloated and uncomfortable. I will probably allow myself one piece of pumpkin pie because it IS Thanksgiving after all! I don't usually say yes to dessert so I like to allow it on special occasions and then I don't feel guilty about it.

So here is a list of some quick tips to keep you on track over the holidays. Write them down and own them!

1. Schedule EVERY workout. Plan it out like an important meeting in your calender. Don't let the holidays or travel get in the way. If it's important to you, you WILL find the time.
2. Eat a healthy snack before dinner.  A little protein and some veggies!
3. Send your guest away with all left-overs and don't take any left-overs home from parties you attend.
4. Limit the alcohol. Try to drink light if you are going to and soda water. If you usually have 3 drinks, try to limit it to 1. They are empty calories and never help progress!
5. Make sure your plate has a very nice sized portion of veggies!
6. DO NOT starve yourself before a party or dinner trying to bank the calories. You will only end up too hungry and you will overeat. Plus your body will get out of whack and will it hold onto the food you eat because it thinks it's going into starvation mode!
7. Use a smaller plate. Trick your brain! The plate will be full but you will be filling less space.
8. Keep drinking WATER. This will help you to feel more full and satisfied and you will be less likely to overeat.
8. Find an accountability coach or partner. Just having someone to talk to will help you stay on track so much more than just going at it alone. Have someone you are checking in with daily to talk about how your day is going or how you did. When someone else KNOWS your goals, you are much more likely to stick to working towards them.

>>>>Want help staying on track between Thanksgiving and Christmas?<<<<

I'm starting a health and fitness accountability and support group on December 1st. It will run for 21 days. We will be going over meal planning, doing 30 minute workouts (if you want to incorporate exercise), drinking Shakeology every day (I have some available at a special price for these 21 days), and hold each other accountable for the last month of the year. I, for one, am going to ROCK that Little Black Dress!! Are you? Let's do it together!  Message me on facebook or send me an email to get your spot in the group.

Ezekiel Bread Stuffing

The stuffing at Thanksgiving is a staple and I definitely don't want to go without just because I want to do my best sticking to clean eating. So this year I'm going to make a stuffing dish to pass with a new recipe I found. A super tasty and healthy side dish to bring to share with my family! Ezekiel bread is a dense, chewy, flour-less bread made with a variety of whole grains that are minimally processed to keep them as close as possible to what nature intended them to be (key in clean eating). I get mine from either Costco or Meijer in the healthy/specialty frozen sections.

What you need:
  • 1 loaf of Ezekiel 4:9 bread, thawed, dried and broken into bite sized cubes
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  • 1/2 tsp dried rosemary
  • 2 tsp dried ground sage
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 6 tbsp olive oil based margarine such as Oliverio or Flieshman's brands
  • 1 large sweet onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 5 celery stalks, thinly sliced 
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries (Craisins!)
  • 3/4 cup fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • 1 cup low sodium chicken broth
How to get it done:
  • About 4 hours before making this, removed the defrosted Ezekiel bread slices from the package and leave them out on paper towels to dry out a bit.
  • After at least 4 hours, you're ready to rock and roll.
  • Place bread cubes in a large bowl. Mix in the thyme, rosemary, sage and fresh black pepper
  • Melt olive oil based margarine in a large frying pan on medium heat. Add onions and garlic and saute for 2 minutes. Add sliced celery, stirring often. Cook for about 5 minutes.
  • Stir the onion mixture into the bowl containing the bread. Add the dried cranberries and parsley. Stir in the broth. If the stuffing still feels too dry, you can add in more broth one tbsp at a time until it feels slightly moist. (sorry I know that's a horrible word)
  • Place the stuffing in a casserole dish sprayed very lightly with olive oil cooking spray and cover loosely with tin foil. Bake stuffing in an oven preheated to 325 degrees. After 30 minutes, remove the tin foil and stir thoroughly. Bake for another 30 minutes uncovered. 
Serving size is 1 cup.

  • Servings Per Recipe: 13
  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories: 192.0
  • Total Fat: 4.6 g
  • Cholesterol: 0.0 mg
  • Sodium: 232.2 mg
  • Total Carbs: 31.7 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 5.8 g
  • Protein: 7.3 g

Recipe adapted by SparkPeople 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Black Friday Sales!

Are you a Black Friday shopper? I've never really been one because it's just way too crazy for me!  I went with my sister in law a few times for a few hours when I was looking for something specific, but it's just really not for me! The crowds and the waiting coupled with the fact that I'm just not a huge shopper really add up to making it not worth it for me. :)

What I love is online deals so I can shop from my couch in my comfy yoga pants and sweatshirt. That's my kind of Black Friday shopping!

I'm super excited to share that Beachbody will also be having a Black Friday Sale and the best part is - you don't have to leave the house for these awesome deals! Could it be T25, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, P90X3, Shakeology?? It could be anything!

Be the first to know what Beachbody Black Friday Deals will be released. They will be released to us coaches first and we can share the news as soon as we know! So all I know right now is that the deals will be crazy good and there will be limited quantity.  So if you want to be the first to know you have two options.

Comment with your email address on this post or click here and create a FREE teambeachbody account.  Then, the minute I get word, you will get an email from me with all the details!

Just to give you an idea of how crazy good the deals were last year - check out what kind of deals they offered in 2013....This gets me SO excited to hear the news of this year's Black Friday Specials!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Little Black Dress Challenge

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and this is the time of year when people give in and gain those average 7-10 pounds. Not this year!! How do I plan to stay on track so I can rock that little black dress to ring in the New Year?

I'm going to personally buckle down and hold a 21 day health & fitness support and accountability group between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'll be doing 30 minute workouts, creating clean eating meal plans, and relying on the tons of support and inspiration from the group!

Joining my first challenge group completely changed my life. I am the type of person that needs that extra accountability to help push me through something like a workout program. How many times have you purchased an at-home workout program and you tried it once or twice and then it sat on the shelf collecting dust? That's where the magic of these accountability and support groups come into play. When you have a support system doing something with you - you are much more likely to keep going. When you tell other people what your specific goals are, it is proven that you are much more likely to succeed. We keep each other going, we offer lots of recipe ideas, meal planning tips and daily motivation. 

I can't think of a better time of year to really buckle down to keep yourself on track. So many people want to wait until the New Year to start making changes, BUT what if you started now....think of where you'll be when you ring in the New Year!?! You can still enjoy your holiday favorites and goodies - but as we teach you, it's all about moderation and balance. This isn't teaching another FAD diet - it's showing you that you can create healthy habits and keep a sustainable healthy lifestyle that will last forever!

If you're interested in some support to survive the holidays and to get ready to ROCK that Little Black Dress - I'd love to have you join my group! Starts Dec 1, so email me or message me to reserve your spot. Start working towards the new you BEFORE the New Year!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Avoiding the Plateau

Are you a runner and even though you run consistently you're noticing that your body isn't changing and you feel kind of stuck? Have you been doing a workout program for a while? Maybe you started with great results but lately you're feeling like all of your hard work isn't doing much because your body isn't changing anymore like you want it to?

The unfortunate truth is - no matter how hard we are working, if we are doing the SAME things....we can ultimately plateau. This can occur because the body gets used to the training and goes through an adaptation period. To avoid adaptation - keeping a variety in your routine is very important. Maybe switch to a different type of program if you've been doing the same one for quite a while. Switching it up will not only be good for your results, but it will be fun to try something new.

Other ways to add variety / change things up to avoid the dreaded plateau:

Sets & Reps: If muscle growth is what you're looking for, then routines with exercises in the 1-3 rep range are definitely not the best. But if you are always trying to perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each muscle group and you have reached a plateau, try doing 10 sets with 3 reps. Just by adding a variety to the sets and reps, you could see a significant difference in your muscle gain because you're tricking your body into thinking it's doing something new and it could easily break you out of your plateau.

Variety in Exercises: If you're doing a specific program (like I'm doing ChaLEAN Extreme right now) - there is usually a good variety of workouts to keep things changing and to work different muscle groups.  But if you're working out on your own or at the gym - try to make sure you're not always working the same muscle groups every time and add some variety so that your body can keep changing. As much as you might love running - ONLY doing that will not make your body change any more once you have plateaued. I was there before. I ran every single day...I did lose weight, but I got to a point where I couldn't lose any more and I definitely wasn't gaining any muscle or getting toned like I wanted.

Intensity Levels: Just by switching up the intensity of your workouts during the week can have a huge impact. This is why a lot of programs will come with a specific workout calender. They actually spend a lot of time making the calender of workouts the way they are so that some days you have more intense workouts, some days you are doing more of an active recovery workout, and you're definitely working different muscle groups in various ways throughout the week.  If you are strength training and using weights and you feel like you've stopped seeing results - try UPPING your weights.  If you don't have any heavier weights, trick your brain into thinking the weights are heavier than they are. SLOW your reps down....really focus on the muscle that you're trying to work and don't rush through the workout. Focus heavily on your form.

And as always - one of the most important things to remember....abs are made in the kitchen. You can work out all you want but if you're feeding your body with crap, you're not going to see the results you're longing for. You have to think of food as fuel and know what and when to eat so that your body can continue to change like you want it to. If you're trying to lose weight and you are working out every day but not changing a thing about your diet (or maybe you're eating more because you think you "deserve" it after your hard work).... you're not going to see the changes you desire. You can burn 400 calories in a workout - but do you know how fast you can eat those calories back and completely derail your progress?

Need help in any of these areas? Let me know! I run health and fitness support and accountability groups where we go through so much of this together. We support one another, provide meal plans, recipe ideas, motivate to help with fitness goals...and so much more. To read more about my groups, click here! I'm starting a new "Holiday Survival" group that begins December 1st. I refuse to let the temptations of the holidays take away all of my hard work and I want to go into the new year feeling my best EVER! Would you?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Insanity Max:30!

Ok ladies and gents, I'm SUPER excited about this one. When I first started by trying to figure out what program I wanted to do first I was really weighing all my options.  My brother-in-law had let me borrow Insanity which I was really pumped about but I have little kids at home and working out for more than 30 minutes just didn't seem appealing to me because I wanted to be realistic with my time. So I decided to start with T25. I love love love T25 so I'm glad I started with that one. It whipped my body into shape really fast and I only HAD to dedicate 25 minutes a day - 5 days a week. That seemed very do-able for a first timer like myself.

I quickly learned that I love Shaun T! He is a great trainer and he always kept me going and really taught me a lot about correct form and he kept the moves interesting in my opinion. I'm on to my 4th program now but I'm finding myself missing Shaun T. Thankfully his brand new Insanity Max:30 program launches in December!

So what is it??

Looks pretty sweet, right?!?

Insanity Max:30 is the challenging new 30-minute in home workout program from Shaun T, creator of Insanity and Focus T25.  He has developed 150 new cardio and strength moves that will make you push harder and dig deeper than ever before to get the best body of your life - in just 60 days.

This will be the hardest 30 minutes of the day and you will need to be ready to MAX OUT. It's not about "getting through" all 30 minutes, it's about going as hard as possible, for as long as possible, until becoming "Maxed Out" So until you take your first rest and/or breaking proper form.  No equipment is needed....just push to the MAX for INSANE results in 60 days.

How awesome does that sound.  The top coaches in the company have been doing a secret test group right along with Shaun T so we've been able to hear a little bit about their progress so far and let me tell you - it's amazing. My upline coach, Melanie Mitro (#1 coach in the company) is doing it so I've been able to follow along with her bits of information and results so far.  It's making me insanely excited to get my hands on this program.

Do you want to be one of the first ones to find out about the release?  Click here and you can receive an email as soon as it's launched to get your very own copy.  I'm going to have an exclusive test group for my challengers when it comes out so we can all try out the insanity together.  You're not going to want to miss this one.  Prizes will be involved for sure!

7 Days of December: Shakeology Shake-Off

Sometimes we all just need that little “boost” or accountability to fire things back up, right?  Well, that’s what I need, as I prepare for all my upcoming holiday parties!  I want to shed any extra pounds from Thanksgiving and keep myself in check during the holiday season. 

For you, maybe it’s time to do some Spring-cleaning in the ol’ diet, create a new nutrition habit or just hit the RESET button.

Regardless of why you decide to join the program, have faith knowing you are doing something GREAT for yourself.  Let's survive this Holiday season together! I am going to teach you lots of tips, tricks, give you recipes and guide you on the path to creating some new healthier habits.  It’s nice to know that you are not alone in this, that you have a group filled with other people that are going to be here for you holding you accountable to staying on track each day for 7 days. And there will be prizes!!

Here’s the game plan – starts on Monday December 8th, 2014:

1. Get on Shakeology Home Direct (HD = get yourself $2 shipping!) Also, there is a 30 day money back guarantee.  So if for any reason you do not like Shakeology or it doesn’t work for you then return for a full refund!  But what do you have to lose?!?!
a 7-day supply of Shakeology in either Chocolate, Tropical Strawberry, Vegan Chocolate, Vanilla or combination of them by creating a free account at and sending $40 to via paypal.  Then, I will put your 7-day Shakeology Package in the mail and you can begin the challenge.
2.  Commit to replacing just ONE meal a day with your favorite Shakeology and recipe. I'll help by providing recipes! I'll be providing a meal plan for the rest of your meals WITH a grocery list too!

3.  Press play on your workout at least 4-6 times during the week and CHALLENGE yourself!  Don’t just go through the motions.  If it’s your first time doing T25 or second round with 21 Day Fix… try upping your weights, do 2 more reps or slow down your repetitions.  If you are new to fitness, I challenge you to do some form of physical activity at least 3-4 times during the week religiously or continue with the fitness routine that you are currently doing and up the intensity.  If you need help getting started I can help you with that as well.

4.  Either at kick off or end of the 7-day program, do the 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse.  For me, it will come at the end.  (this is optional and you do not have to do this).

5. Request to join our Facebook Group – 7 Days of December Shakeology Shake Off  and post your success (so we can celebrate), questions (so you can be successful), tips (if you have ‘em to share with the group) and any feelings that may come during the challenge period.

6. Check into the group page as often as you can.  I’m not going to set any daily requirements, but by posting regularly you may be eligible to win some end of challenge prizes!

As a participant AND my customer in the 7-Days of December Shakeology Shake Off, I will assure your success in feeling better about your nutrition selections and helping you establish realistic expectations and a strategy to get there (success will only come with YOUR commitment to change bad habits). 

I'll provide a meal plan that you can follow during the 7-Day Challenge that comes with a grocery list to make it easy for you!

It’s not rocket science or a deprivation of foods and taste, but more of learning to make smart choices, with which, in my opinion, really clicked as I had Shakeology as my staple in my diet.

Ok, so you saw PRIZES and said, “pick me, pick me”!!  Now, on to the FUN PART!

You stay within the 7 Day Challenge period (but it doesn't end there, right?), there’s some prizes in store for the remaining participants!  Here’s how staying motivated can win you some loot:
  • At the end of the 7-Day Challenge period, for anyone still active and successful (you’ve been on Shakeology HD, posted in the group page, pushed play, etc.), I will select 2 winners, AT RANDOM, to receive a special gift.
Who’s with me??

Have questions or need help ordering up?  Send me an email or a message on facebook and I’m there for you:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Cash for Christmas $$$

So I'm sure you can see the image above about how to earn a little extra cash for Christmas!!??

Do you want to make some extra money for the holidays? Do you want to pay for Christmas gifts with CASH this year instead of putting it on credit cards? How would you feel if you had $500 extra to pay for your Christmas gifts? Instead of going out and getting a part-time seasonal job, I can help you make that, from the comfort of your own home!

Have you ever wondered about what exactly I do as a Beachbody Coach? How is it that I can make money while working from home on my OWN schedule while being able to stay home with my kids?

This job has completely changed my life - and it can do the same for you. I don't even consider it a job most times because I just love it so much and feel so passionate about helping others.

You'll get in the best shape of your life, while making a living by helping others reach their fitness & weight loss goals - just by sharing YOUR journey!  I've said it 100 times before, but I've never had a job that I love this much.

Are you unhappy in your current career but don't know where to go from here? Or maybe you just would like some extra money to help with bills or to use for extra fun in your life? Are you ready for a complete life change? Are YOU meant for greatness?

We are opening up a 5 Day informative group that covers these topics and more:

Who are we?
What do we do?
How do we do it?
Who do we help?
How do we earn money?
How much do we earn?

There is no participation required and no strings attached.  You can just drop in and check things out because you're curious - that's totally fine.  Or you can drop in and pay attention because you're interested and you're ready for a life change. It's completely up to you!

To join this group - please create a FREE membership with me so I am officially your coach (if I am not already!) Just click that link and go to "Join Team Beachbody" and sign up for free.

We begin on Monday November 17th! Invite anyone who you think may be interested - seriously the more the merrier.  I offer referral bonuses so if you have any friends that sign up, you will receive a bonus! :)