Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 21 - That's a Wrap Folks!

First of all - today was just an amazing day.  I loved every bit of it.  I feel like I'm so filled up with positive vibes and such motivation that I literally might explode.

I started my day off at 3:30 am.  I know that sounds disgusting, but hear me out.  I needed to leave my house by 5 am, and I really wanted to start my day with a workout.  So I got up, did Lower Fix and got ready to go.  But before I left - I was able to have my Shakeology.  Oh how I missed my Shakeology over the last few days.  I had to take my blender out to the garage so I didn't wake my family up - but I was not about to skip it, that's for sure!  I knew it would give me the pick-me-up that I needed to get me through my morning.

lots of ice, 2.5 cups water, 1 banana (purple), greek yogurt (red), PB2 (tsps) - DELICIOUS
I got on the road at 5 am and decided this drive to Ohio would be the perfect time to listen to my CD of the book Go Pro that my coach Shannon sent me.  That really was a great decision.  So much helpful information in there and I'm definitely going to listen to it again. One important thing that I've learned so far as a coach is that personal development is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.  Sometimes it's hard to want to pick up the book because as everyone else knows - free time as an adult just seems so limited.  But we make time for the things that are important to no excuses.  I need to work on this a LOT.

We got to the event in Ohio and I was able to meet a lot of girls from my team in person for the first time.  It was so nice to meet them since we have been working together over computers and videos so far.  I love our team - we have great things in store for us!!

Arynn is one of my coaches and I'm SO super excited that she was able to come with me.  I'm never going to miss a Super Saturday (or Sunday) in the future because I can see how important they are and how helpful and motivating they are.  It was amazing.  The speakers were wonderful and their stories were cray cray.  The success that some people have in such a short period of time with lots of hard work and dedication just makes me want to work harder and harder.  I can't wait to see where this road takes me and my family.

Me and my girl Arynn with Jenelle (she rocks by the way)
Some of the girls on our Desire to Inspire team that were able to make it to this location
Today was weird with meals because I was gone most of the day.  I already showed my breakfast of Shakeology.  But for lunch our team went out to eat.  I had Ahi Tuna and mixed veggies with a few bites of white rice.  It was really good and I discovered that I like red peppers. There are so many things now that I find I'm liking that I absolutely could not and WOULD not eat before.  It's crazy how your body changes and it craves all the good stuff.  I'm loving it!  When I got home I had some steamed fish and steamed broccoli.  So I followed the fix pretty good - just missed a fruit.

I didn't have time to get my measurements and stuff done - so I'm going to try to do all that tomorrow to report my results from the 21 Day Fix.  No matter what the numbers say - I'm extremely impressed with this program.  My entire stomach has completely changed shape...everything just is leaner and tighter and it feels great.  What I've loved most is the healthy habits I've created.  I love that I want to eat all different things throughout the day...and know that I need to make sure I get the right amount of each food group.  I've learned a lot and will continue these habits into my regular healthy eating.

I was going to start the 3 Day Refresh tomorrow - but I just didn't get home in time to go grocery shopping to prepare for it.  I wanted to spend the few hours with my kids instead.  So I'll either go in the morning to get what I need, or I'll put it off for a few days. I think I'll decide in the morning :)

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have final results to report on my blog!  Thank you for reading along my journey of the 21 Day Fix and my daily thoughts.  If you have been thinking about trying the 21 Day Fix, please message me and I'd love to give you more info about it.  It's on special until the end of September!

I'll leave you with this precious picture of Stella.  This was actually yesterday.  She picked her clothes out before Jenna's soccer dressed and then flipped her hair with both hands and said "Mommy, am I beautiful like Megan now?" and then proceeded to flip her hair again.  Megan is her cousin....:)  It was SO cute.