Thursday, September 11, 2014

How Did I Become a Beachbody Coach?

What is all this Beachbody coaching stuff about anyway?

When I first signed up as a discount coach, I just wanted to do T25 and try Shakeology because I wanted to continue to change my body and learn how to live a healthier lifestyle.  I signed up as a discount coach because it didn't cost me any extra and I knew I could get Shakeology cheaper if I decided to keep it. (little did I know, I would LOVE it and it would become my absolute favorite meal of the day!)

After my first month in my first challenge group - I was so inspired by my coach and the organization that I decided I wanted to work the business and be an active coach.  I wanted to help people and inspire them to do things that they think are impossible for them!  I thought I would just work enough to be able to pay for my own Shakeology and that would be worth it for me just to be able to do something I'm passionate about and to be able to help and empower others as a mentor.

My first month of coaching I advanced to Emerald Rank and I learned that I love it a lot more than I even thought I could. I'm already building my own team and I have a lot of fantastic challengers who are working REALLY hard.  They motivate me to stay on track every day!

I love that your income is a direct reflection of how much time and energy you can put into it.  I only work when my girls are napping or in bed and I've been so pleased with my income so far. I've been able to help pay for groceries and have even been able to reward some of my team for their amazing work. I'm new to the "stay at home Mom" club and was always so used to making money, so it feels good to still be able to contribute in a financial way for my family.

Now I'm actually able to stay home with my little girls, take them and pick them up from school, go to the library for story time, take them out for ice cream, make forts and read books - all while still working at something that I finally can call a true passion AND make money.  Does it take sacrifice?  Of course!  But it's more than worth it when I've FINALLY found work that has true meaning for me.  I don't care how big or little the paycheck is - if I don't have that in a job, I'm completely miserable!

So I just wanted to share my coach story, just in case any of you out there were wondering what it is all about or how I happened to become a coach in the first place.  If you have any interest in what Beachbody is all about, let's please chat and you can decide for yourself!