Wednesday, September 24, 2014

21 Day Fix, Day 17

I used my stumbles and trials yesterday as motivation for today, for sure.  I'm not going to lie, when my alarm went off this morning at 4:30, I told myself "just work out at nap time"...but I reminded myself how sluggish I'd feel all morning if I didn't roll myself out of bed.  Mind over matter, yo.

I knew today was Lower Fix (one of my fav workouts), but when I saw that the double workout add on was 10 Minute Ab Fix - I was so relieved.  It's a great workout and makes your abs burn like a mother but it's 10 minutes instead of 30. :)

I followed my meal plan to a T and had no alterations.  I actually used all of my containers today too!

Breakfast: Egg whites (Red), Whole wheat wrap (Yellow)
AM Snack: Apple (Purple)
Lunch: Shakeology (Red) Greek Yogurt (Red) Banana (Purple), Whole wheat bread (Yellow)
PM Snack: Summer squash & Zucchini (Green), Cucumber (Green), Hummus (Blue)
Dinner: Kale greens for salad (Green), Chicken Breast (Red) Balsamic Vin. (Orange)

My favorite snack was my zucchini and squash - I just steamed them up quick and put a little seasoning on (no salt).

We went to story time at the library today and the girls just love that.  It's so cute to watch them singing and dancing and listening to stories with other kids.  Stella is just such a Mom to Vera and thinks she has to take care of her.  And they just have to hold hands wherever they go.  Oh my HEART.

After the library we went over to the park and brought bread to feed the ducks.  Apparently, I missed the memo that the ducks already flew the coop for winter?  No ducks to be found.  Sad little girls.  #fail  So they ate the rest of the bread instead and we played at the park.  It's so funny, there are so many things to play with there, but the thing they love to do the most is walk along this ledge that goes around the park and they call it their balance beam.  We ate lunch outside which they think is so cool and then finished the afternoon off with popsicles.  Half of Vera's ended up on the deck - but what are ya gonna do?

Tonight Jenna was here and we were playing outside since it was such a beautiful night.  Vera had a little accident going down their "roller coaster" and fell on her face.  Is there anything worse than seeing your babies get hurt?  NO.  No there's not.  Thankfully the tears stopped after a few minutes and she wanted to keep playing.  I don't think the face is going to look too great tomorrow though. Thankfully God is a great healer :)

So what does the rest of the week hold.  Well - lots of fun stuff!

The trainer of the 21 Day Fix also includes something called the "3 Day Quick Fix" and it's a eating system she uses the three days before a bikini competition.  She recommends you do it the last 3 days of the 21 Day Fix, but I'm going to do it Thursday-Saturday instead of Friday-Sunday because I'm traveling to Ohio for a Beachbody event on Sunday and there's no way I can eat fish and chicken all day when I'll be at a conference and then in the car for 7 hours!  I'll give more details on that tomorrow and how that works.  But today I baked some chicken to get prepped for that and I have my fish in the fridge thawing to bake tomorrow!  It's all about being prepared my friends.