Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I want to talk a little bit about why I believe in supplementation and why I chose what works for me. You might not agree, and that's fine - but here is my opinion and I'm sticking to it. :)

I have had so many people tell me "I prefer to eat food rather than drink a supplement shake." I get it - on the surface that makes sense. Of course I enjoy eating food too, very much so.
But unfortunately, things have just changed with our food and the way we get it. Nutrient-rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. Aggressive farming techniques have brought many of the earth's minerals to the surface where they have been washed away. Minerals are being depleted because of fertilization being applied to farms and fields.
These minerals are essential to what makes up a healthy body. The processes in your body that make it healthy can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals are being supplied.
Studies have shown that 90% of Americans suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency. And the sad thing is - even organic farms can have nutrient dense soil. Which means that even if you eat all organic - you still are probably deficient and in need of a supplement.
Another problem - fruits and veggies start to lose nutrients as soon as they are picked. Think about the time it takes to get the food from the farm, to the packaging, to the grocery store (who knows how many days that takes)...which means we really have no idea how many nutrients might be left!! This is why it's so important that you buy local and in season fruits and veggies.
Since I know my body was lacking all of the proper nutrients - I chose to drink Shakeology. I didn't start drinking this to lose weight. That's not the point of Shakeology - it is just an awesome by-product of feeding your body properly (if you have weight to lose).
Shakeology’s proprietary blend of digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics helps your body eliminate toxins that have built up in your digestive system over the years due to eating highly processed foods, fast food, and junk food.
A healthy digestive system makes it easier to absorb the nutrients you need for optimal health.
Gut health is critical to overall health, and that an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autism spectrum disorder, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
While your body is cleansing itself from the inside out, Shakeology’s 100% whole-food ingredients deliver the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to function at an optimal level.
What else is awesome about the ingredients? It is vegan, Non GMO, and gluten free. The ingredients are literally collected from around the world with the highest quality control team monitoring the supply and making adjustments to the formula if needed.
I love that I can get a quick meal in as a busy Mom - knowing that I am filling all of the nutritional gaps that my body has. Doing this for your body is the best defense against illness. I'd prefer to invest now so I don't have to pay later with medical bills, prescription meds and a poor quality of life.
And is it an investment? Yes...but so are the rest of my groceries. I find that most people can actually save money by drinking Shakeology because they aren't spending their money going through the fast food lane, filling their bodies with pure crap that does nothing for your body (except harm). People aren't needing to go to Starbucks for their sugar filled pick me up drinks (only to crash later).
Why write all of this? Because I am so passionate about taking care of our bodies and making sure we take our health SERIOUSLY. Being proactive is key. Our culture has everything completely backwards. Doctors treat symptoms but are hardly ever getting to the root cause of problems and diseases. And the hard truth it (or simple actually) all starts with food. It all starts with what you choose to put in your body.
So please educate yourself. If not just for you - but for your kiddos. It's important and we need a big change in our society for the health of our families.

Krysta Joelle

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wellness Retreat

This is a super crazy time of year for a lot of us. Tons of us Moms are sending kiddos off to school, staying home with little ones, trying to keep track of crazy school and sports schedules, working full time - no matter what the situation is - we are all busy.

What is the one thing that lacks when this happens? SELF CARE.

We think that we can worry about ourselves last because there isn't time. We need to take care of everyone else right now and later we can worry about ourselves.

And then we burn out. We try to pour from an empty cup until every last drop runs dry. It just isn't possible.

I know that I want to be full of energy, positive, and present in the lives of my children. I want to be a healthy Mama for them. I want their memories of me to be ones of me WITH them.....not just running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to keep up with life.

How do I do that personally? I need to take very good care of myself. I look at this one body I have and I treat it the best way I know how. Because when my body is healthy, I'm in a much better state emotionally as well. Because when my body is healthy, I have the energy to keep up with life and to love on my family the way they deserve.


So I have something VERY special planned and I want to share it with anyone who wants to join me.

I will be created an At Home Wellness Retreat. Yeah, it would be wonderful to go away to a 3 week retreat where we learn inner peace - but who has time or money for that? And who would watch my kids for 3 whole weeks :)

When I was in Nashville this summer, the CEO of our organization challenged me to commit to a program and follow it 100%. While I'm always doing Beachbody workout programs (because they rock my socks) - I haven't been completely following nutrition plans this summer. Summer is HARD you guys. Summer drinks, family get togethers, trips....all of that can really make staying on track all of the time a bit harder. And I need to get centered again. I need a time where I can go "ALL IN" with my nutrition.

I've also been working out SUPER hard this summer. I love to work out. I love to sweat. But my body just needs a little change right now. I need to spend some time focusing on my nutrition - feeding my soul, and learning how to relax my body and mind more.


How is this all going to work?

Let me back up to tell you a little bit about a journey I took last year with the Ultimate Reset. I had a torn meniscus and was very anxious because I couldn't work out like I wanted. I was letting my emotions and anxiety get the best of me and I needed to do something that would help me reset and cleanse my body and mind. So I took the plunge and I committed to doing the Ultimate Reset. Not only were my physical results AMAZING....but I can promise you that I've never felt better - both physically AND mentally in my entire life.

When you feed your body ONLY what is good for it's amazing what can happen.

In the before picture you can tell that I was feeding my body foods that made me bloat and feel uncomfortable. So much of my life I just thought that's how you felt when you ate - until I really learned how different foods affect my body personally. Seriously look at that change in just 21 days.

And there is the change on the scale. While I really don't give a rats booty about what the scale says - it was amazing to see this change. 13.4 pounds. 21 Days. Seriously.

And I ate more food during this 21 days than I normally do. So absolutely no starvation is involved in this. 

This program literally changed my life. So what is it exactly?

The Ultimate Reset is a 21-day program that gently helps to restore the body to it's "factory setttings" while maximizing energy production and nutrient retention. This is a program designed to get the body into tip-top shape interally, just like your fitness program gets the body into shape externally. Anyone looking to restore their energy, boost their moods, and maximize their help can significantly improve the way they look and feel.

The first week of the Ultimate Reset is Phase One where you'll reclaim your body, accessing its inner chemistry and preparing it for change. You'll gradually be removing foods from your diet like red meat and dairy. Then you'll move on to week 2 or Phase 2 where you begin to release some unwanted compounds that have been holding your system back and you will start the detox process. This phase includes a very gentle colon cleanse and digestive support. And when I say gentle - I mean it. You won't be running to the bathroom a lot or anything :) It's seriously a gentle cleanse where you'll be eating 3 meals a day and snacks. But you'll be moving to eating a fully vegan diet. Week 3 begins Phase 3 where you'll help restore your digestive system along with other internal processes to maximize efficiency. You'll be putting nutrients, enzymes, and pre- and probiotics back into your body. This is the point where you're going to feel better than you have in your entire life and will start to tell everyone you know that they should do this too!

So that's the nutrition part of this wellness retreat.

One major aspect of this retreat is also learning practices to relax our body and mind all while staying active. 

So I'm very excited to annouce our brand new 3 Week Yoga Retreat. It's for beginners and for people who have no idea what they are doing with yoga (ME). It's all going to be streamed online using our Beachbody On Demand. Week one will focus on straightforward yoga basics. The focus will be on basic positions and alignment...poses led by yogis who specialize in many different types of yoga. Week two will progress into some flow but will not be overly complicated or aggressive. Then Week 3 puts it all together and will challenge us more. We will be the first group to do this together and I'm so excited about it. Since there is no working out on the Ultimate Reset (yes, even me!) this is the only thing that you are cleared to do. Why? Beacuse you don't want to be releasing lactic acid that could interfere with the detox process and the hard work that your body is going through interally. As I always tell my challengers - TRUST.THE.PROCESS. The people who designed this system are incredible and knew what they were doing. 


Let's do this thing. And let's do it together.

We start on September 26th. For 3 weeks we will do this all together in a closed/private Facebook group and I'll be supporting you through the entire thing and we will be holding eachother accountable. Since I've done the Ultimate Reset before I will feel comfortable answering questions about it too since I've had the personal experience.

How to join? Get your Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack (even on special right now). With that challenge pack comes a 30 day access pass to our On Demand program so you won't need to pay anything additional to stream the Yoga Retreat - how awesome is that?

All packs need to be ordered by September 17th to be in this group. We are going to be doing this together - me right alongide you and we are kicking off on the same day! This is the time of year when taking care of ourselves needs to be a priority and YOU are worth it.

Message me on Facebook here --> my facebook page
Or email me here --> my email address

Can't wait to feel amazing again!!

Any questions - send them my way.


Krysta Joelle