Saturday, September 27, 2014

21 Day Fix, Day 20

Today is Day 20 and the last day of my 3 Day Quick Fix.  I definitely can feel & see the difference from doing the quick fix.  We'll see when I do my measurements and weight after the final day 21!

This morning I woke up at 5 am, drank my E&E and started working out at 5:30.  I started with Dirty 30 which is a bunch of weight training moves (LOVE).  Stella woke up just as I was finishing that and then she decided she wanted to join me for a little Pilates Fix.

Food was on point today and I was able to get all of the meals in and drank 140 oz of water so far.  I plan to have some green tea tonight and one more 25 oz cup of water.  I need to get up around 4 tomorrow because I need to be out the door by 5:15 to head to Ohio for a Beachbody Super Sunday event.  #cannotwait

This is Jenelle Summers and she's hosting the event tomorrow- and I just love her so I'm super excited to meet her!  Oh and she's also Chalene Johnson's sister.  What a lovely pair of sisters!

Let's see...what else??

Here is a cute pic of Stella drinking some Shakeology tonight as an after dinner treat.  She loves it and thinks its super special when you drink it with a straw. :)

And this picture - what words can even describe?  Her explosive personality just makes my heart cry and laugh at the same time because she's just so awesome.!!

Tonight before bed, Stella and I were sitting on the couch and she looks up at the big window in the living room and just says in such awe "Mommy!  The sun looks beautiful!"  It was definitely a beautiful sun.  I love these gorgeous reminders of how awesome our Creator is.  God is so good.