Thursday, October 9, 2014

When Dreams Aren't Just Dreams

I've always had a dream that I would work for myself one day. That I would be able to work from home in comfy clothes - working hours that WORKED for me and my family.  Nothing like this just seemed realistic.  You can google "work from home" opportunities and 99% of them are shady.  I knew something would come as I found something I was passionate about, I just didn't know WHEN that would be.

All of this changed when I was introduced to Beachbody.  It started as me just joining my first challenge group and signing up as a discount coach to get Shakeology at a discounted price.  I knew that my personality is a very "all-in" type so I knew when I said I would join a challenge group, I was going to try really hard and be very involved. I was going to be dedicated to my T25 workout program, drink my Shakeology every day - and trust the process that was set out for me.  And I quickly found out that when you do something every day and make it a priority - you start to see actual change.  The change you have been longing for....

It didn't take long for me to fall in love with the process, the people, and the company.  So I decided to go for it and be an active coach.  I started to get out of my comfort zone by posting progress pictures and I saw that some people were actually inspired by the way I was able to change my body and my lifestyle.  I started to see some money coming in, which was an added bonus because I wasn't looking for a get-rich-quick situation.  My passion was to share what I had experienced with as many people as hopes that at least someone else out there could start to feel as good as I do.

The more I get into it, the more passionate I become.  I never dreamed that I could share this journey with so many people.  I've been able to grow my business and my team faster that I thought was possible for myself so far.  I'm at home with my kids every day and the only time I have to "work" is when they are sleeping.  I started out feeling like I had so many limitations.  I saw amazing success stories from other coaches and told myself that they became so successful because they obviously had more time than I had.  Well I've learned that I was wrong.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We choose how to spend those 24 hours.  We choose what to do with our free time.  No, I'm not working in an office all day - but I AM working at home being a mom, a cook, a maid, a teacher....and the list goes on.  I choose to spend every single bit of free time I have working on myself personally, and working on my business as a coach.

I choose to get up by 5 am every day to get my workout in.  Do you know why?  Because every little bit of hard work gets me one step closer to reaching my goals.  If I get up just an hour earlier than I used to, I'm able to get my workout in and then instead of working out at nap time or bedtime - I'm able to work during that time.  If I do that 365 days for a year - that is 365 more HOURS that I added to working towards something that I wouldn't have if I just decided to sleep in until 6.  That little bit of effort compounds significantly over time.

I rank advanced to a Diamond coach today - which was a big goal that I've been working on over the past few months.  At first it seemed so out of reach.  I just kept pushing and pushing...and I was able to reach that goal.  And I'm not stopping.  I'm going full force and I'm going to keep putting myself out there so that I can continue to help people improve their lives.  When I get a message from a challenger telling me how great they feel and that they can't believe they are finally starting to feel a change in their lives - I feel fulfilled.  And I get a weekly paycheck, WHAT??  It's like a dream come true for me...honestly.

My dream is to make a full time career out of this.  I want to be able to work at this full time once both my girls are in school - and I never want to HAVE to go work for someone else again.  I completely believe that if you have a dream and if you focus and do all of the necessary actions and vital behaviors, CONSISTENTLY, you will reach that dream and blow your expectations out of the water. It won't be easy. It won't be a get-rich-quick scenario (even though that is very possible). Dreams actually take work - you don't just stumble upon success.

What dreams do you have?  If you could choose to do anything with your life without fear of failure, what would it be?  What is holding you back?