Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Just a Rainy Tuesday

Today is my rest day on my ChaLEAN Extreme program, and I'm not going to lie - I was pretty happy about it.  I slept in until 7 and got some really good rest.  After my workout and my run yesterday, my body could use the little break.

I usually make egg whites for breakfast but today I really felt like having some Shakeology for breakfast to get my day started out right.  So Thin Mint Shakeology for breakfast it was!!  I love how much it fills me up and how much energy it gives me.

Stella had preschool this morning and today was her very first SCHOOL PICTURE DAY!  She was so excited about it to say the least. Every time we drop her off at school I am so stinkin proud of her. Her teacher meets us at the door and all the kids go in from there.  As soon as she sees her teacher, she makes a bee-line for the door with a huge smile on her face.  I'm so happy she loves school so much - but my heart also goes out to all those parents out there who are dealing with anxiety at drop off. I know what that is like - and it is REALLY hard.  When we first had the girls going to daycare when I was working full-time out of the home, Stella had a really tough time adjusting and the drop offs were very hard on the ole' heart! So thankful that we worked through it then so that when it was time for school, she was super ready without hesitation.

Vera and I came home and had our special time together.  This girl is obsessed with puzzles right now.  She would do them all day if she could.  Unfortunately for her, I just can't sit and do puzzles ALL day - so we try to find other activities to do too.  She's getting pretty good at them too! And every time she gets a piece in the right spot on her own, her face lights up with such enthusiasm and she shrieks "I DID IT!!"

On the way to pick up Stella from school, Vera told me Stella's teachers names, which astonished me that she remembered "Mizz Weinstwa (Reisntra) and Mizz Thiel".  I told her I loved her and when she said she loved me, I asked her how much.  Her response "sooooo much".  HEART MELTED.

When we got home from picking up Stella, it was just about time for lunch.  Stella requested fruit as always so I figured I would throw a little greek yogurt in there too.  Vera loves yogurt with all of her heart, so she was pretty pleased with the lunch selection.  It usually ends up everywhere by the end of the meal, but that's ok - as long as she eats and enjoys herself!  I cut some banana up for her yogurt since she won't always eat it if I just put it on her plate.  She may or may not be stubborn?!  Stella wanted banana, oranges, and yogurt....and gobbled it all up all the while telling me how great oranges are for you.

Then we played for a little bit and got out the wonderful Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.  Vera thought they looked pretty silly :)

It's one of those super rainy days where you just feel like sitting at home in your jammies. If you know Stella at all, you know that she LOVES her footed pajamas.  She always has.  They were the equivalent of a kid's blanket.  So needless to say - she has worn every pair out that she has.  It's a little dangerous for Vera because the hand-me-downs she has have no traction in the feet so she has to be super careful on the wood floor.  She will say "slippery-slidy!!".  Well before naps today, Stella says "Mommy, can you help me?  My pinky toe is stuck out and I can't get it back in".  After seeing what she was talking about, I erupted into laughter and couldn't stop.  If this doesn't show you the wear and tear, I don't know what would.  You would think this is her only pair of jammies (it's not.)

Now that the girls are napping - it's time for this Mama to get to work.  It's Day 2 of pre-season on my new challenge group and I'm checking in with all of my challengers and coaches. I seriously love this part of my job! I love that so many people have made the decision to invest in themselves and to work hard at the goals they have been wanting to set for so long. It's so fun being involved in a community of people who are like-minded and have similar passions as me.