Saturday, October 4, 2014

Is Coaching Even a Real Job?

This past week I just found out about a new challenge pack that Beachbody has available for all new coaches and I have to admit, I'm a little bummed that it wasn't available when I first became a discount coach because I would have jumped all over it.  They basically want to get people started with a bunch of awesome tools to get themselves started right.  This challenge pack is even available for the person who just wants to be a discount coach and isn't ready to work the business - or someone who really never wants to work the business at all.  Although I can tell you - when I signed up as a discount coach I never thought I would want to get involved and be a coach.

Then after I joined my first challenge group, not only did I change my body and my lifestyle with clean eating and a regular, set workout schedule - I also fell in LOVE with this company.  I've always known that I wanted to be an entrepreneur some day, but never really knew what, why or how.  It's funny how things can become crystal clear when you actually find something that you're passionate about. Something that you can feel in your whole heart and soul.  I know that I ultimately wanted to do something one day where I could help other people in some way.  But I also knew that I had no desire to go back to school.  No thank you to that one!

When Beachbody and coaching came into my life, it was like a light bulb went off.   Naturally at first, the practical side of your brain starts with "Sure, you can help people and it can be great, but can you really make any money from doing this?" So I started following the top coaches in the company and listening to their stories.  The #1 coach in the entire company right now, Melanie Mitro, she started out only 3 years ago. She was a stay at home Mom (just like me!) of two very young boys. She had a dream and worked her butt off while still at home with her kids.  And three years later, here she is sitting at the #1 coach spot.  I'm proud to say I'm a member of her "Dream Team" and I'm able to learn from her and from my coach, Shannon Hargave, each and every day. Shannon started coaching a little over a year ago, and in that short period of time she has already worked her way up to the top 250 coaches (out of over 220,000!!) and is already going on all-expenses paid trips for leadership and recognition events.  It is possible for anyone.  All it takes is a few simple things.

  1. A true passion for helping other people reach their goals.  This is one of the things that drew me to this company.  Their #1 priority is to help as many people as possible.  
  2. Hard work.  You can go as slow or as fast as you want creating your business with Beachbody - but if you DO work hard, you will see success and it will compound.  I've met so many people who are living proof that you can make things happen for yourself if you just work at it, believe in what you are doing and believe in yourself.
  3. The ability to BE YOURSELF.

In my first few months as a coach, I've surprised myself with how great it is going.  I keep myself grounded and remind myself that I started this so I can help other people. I try not to get discouraged if I hear a "no". If I can only help one person this month - then I'll do everything I can to make sure that one person reaches their goals.  And I've kept that mentality over these last few months and I've surpassed all of the personal goals that I've set for myself in my business.  This is our September Success Club results for my team - and I'm so proud that my hard work paid off with real results.

My team is growing, I now have a long list of challengers that I'm in contact with all of the time, and my cup over-floweth! I've never felt so fulfilled with a "job" in my entire life.  This is what it's all about.  I work on it a lot.  Any free time that I have, I'm working on my business, on personal development, anything to better myself and my business.  And it NEVER feels like work.  It's fun. And it makes my heart happy. Oh and another fun part is that weekly paychecks are growing.  So yes - it IS a real job.  I'm also well on my way to earning a free trip to Cancun for Chad and I next spring.  If that isn't something to look forward to and work towards, I don't know what is. Love vacations!  Who wouldn't want to go here FOR FREE?

So if you have any interest in trying out a workout program and Shakeology, now is the time.  You can sign up for free, try different programs out and you can see what the company is about by joining your first challenge group. Make that decision to change your life.  I can promise you, there would be no going back and no regrets!

What you get in the new coach showcase challenge pack:
  • Three awesome programs:  21 Day Fix, T25, and P90X3.  I've personally done 21 Day Fix and T25 and if you've read my blog at all before, you already know that I loved both so much. I'm hoping to try all of the P90 programs at some point too and love the idea of P90X3 because it includes all 30 minute workouts, something this Mommy needs!  
  • A month supply of Shakeology
  • Shakeology Taste Sampler
  • Shakeology Tote Bags (5-pack)
  • Shakeology Welcome Guides (10-pack)
  • Team Beachbody Product Catalogs (5-pack)
  • New Coach Sign-Up Fee Waived!
Message me on Facebook or email me for more details...I'd love to talk about your "why" and your goals.

To fill out an application to join my amazing team, click here.