Monday, October 6, 2014


Today I've been thinking a lot about the importance of goals.  While big goals are important, I think the ones that are most important - are the smaller, daily goals that we set for ourselves.

When I first started out by caring to even exercise - I started doing a couch to 5k program that was an app on my phone.  It helped me by setting clear goals for what I needed to do to reach an ultimate goal of running a 5k.  For me - setting small goals for myself is the only way I can stay focused and keep myself on track.

When I started with my first Beachbody program, T25 - it came with a workout calender.  Those were my daily goals.  I needed to do what it told me to each day or I knew I wouldn't succeed.  So I made sure not to miss.

Goals need to be clear, attainable, measurable, and realistic.  I find that when I set several small goals for myself each day - it helps me to be able to reach the really big goals I've set.  You can set goals like the following:
  • I want to lose 20 pounds
  • I want to make X more $$
  • I want to read more
  • I want to exercise more
But none of these are clear and none of them show action steps on how you're going to get there.

Let me give you an example of some of my personal goals today.
  • Wake up at 5am and do ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 1
  • Follow the meal plan I set for myself with no deviations
  • Drink 125 oz of water
  • Do 4 miles on the treadmill
  • Burn at least 400 calories with cardio on the treadmill
  • Run at least the first 2 miles straight of my 4 mile goal
  • Do 3 miles in 30 minutes
  • Finish the book I'm reading "The Compound Effect"
These goals are extremely clear and are not vague in the slightest.  They are specific and I know they were what I needed today to keep me on track (especially after my weekend where I made a few poor food choices).

First goal of running the first 2 miles was met.  I came really close to my 3 miles in 30 minutes and went over by 1:05 unfortunately.  But that's ok - I know I'm not going to be able to reach every goal. I just keep working harder until I'm able to.  But I kept going to get to my 4 mile mark and once I got there I decided to go for 5.  I was listening to a sermon I had missed at church (when I went to Ohio for our Super Sunday Beachbody event)....and since it was still going, I decided to keep running/walking.

What I love about getting my workouts in as early in the day as possible is - that I can see this hard work done and I don't have to think about it the rest of the day.  I have to be mindful not to let my hard work go to waste by grabbing snacks that I shouldn't though.  I have to try to reach my goal of following my meal plan so I don't undo my work from the morning. 

Isn't there just something so powerful about reaching your goals?  I love to see it on paper.  I write lists in the morning of everything I want to get done that day.  I check them off as I go so I can visually see the progress.   

This relates to so many parts of our daily lives, not just fitness and nutrition.  I have big goals that I've set for myself and I have to reassess where I'm at daily and come up with actions steps that I know I need to take to get to those goals.  It's all about the compound effect.  The little decisions and actions that you do each day compound to something far bigger than you can imagine.

So if you're looking to start something, such as a fitness program or maybe you really have a goal to lose some number one piece of advice to you: SET GOALS DAILY.  Keep yourself accountable so that you can see and feel the change you are longing for.