Sunday, October 5, 2014

Get Over Yourself

I've always wanted to be a blogger.  Wasn't sure what type of blog, but I knew I wanted to write one. I have a family blog that I keep private so I can record in some organized fashion some memories and pictures of our lives.  It's kind of like scrap booking to me - I just do it through a blog.  I LOVE to read blogs and I just find people's stories so fascinating.  And the one common theme that I enjoy so much about the really good ones:  the people are honest, themselves, REAL, and they seem to not care what other people think of them.

This is where I always got hung up.  The fear of judgement from other people was kind of paralyzing. So I never started a public blog even though I've really wanted to for a long time now.  I figured that I couldn't possibly be interesting enough for people to purposely want to read my writing.  I didn't know if I could be myself and say what I really wanted to say because there will likely be people out there that don't approve.  And what if they don't like me and talk about me behind my back??

As I've gone along my personal journey so far with health and fitness - I've really been able to work on my self-confidence.  It has never been purely about changing my body.  I have been truly focused on bettering myself in all areas.  I just believe that treating your body well and taking care of it is extremely important and ends up affecting so many other aspects of your life.

One of the most important things I've learned and have improved on so much lately is....if I want to do something to make a positive change in my life, I have to let go of FEAR and GET OVER MYSELF.  

What really matters in life?  Does it really matter that a few people out there get super annoyed by my facebook posts about fitness? No.  Does it really matter if someone doesn't like my blog post? No. Does it really matter if I invite someone to join a challenge group and they have no interest? No. None of these things matter in the big scheme of things.

Do you know what does matter to me?  The private messages I receive telling me that they read my blog and could relate to some things I said, and that they felt less alone because I shared my story and my heart.  The people who have been involved in my challenge groups...who started with so much fear of failure and self-doubt, who ended up working really hard and changing their lives. Then they go on to inspire other people in their lives and pay it forward. Those things matter to me. Someone who doesn't like my posts on facebook or my blog can choose not to read it.  And if someone wants to judge me because of it, that doesn't affect me at all.  Because what people think of me is absolutely none of my business. I cannot control other people - but I CAN control myself and the way I treat other people.  So why not focus only on those things?  Makes sense, right?

Do I let things get to me some days?  Of course, I'm human (and a woman!).  But I do not let these thoughts and feelings cripple me or hold me back any longer.  I have big dreams for this life.  We are here such a short period of time, and I want to do something to make a difference while I'm here.  I want to be true to myself, and I feel a profound calling to help other people in any way I can. Whether it's to be a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear and heart, a cheerleader through someone's health and fitness journey, a prayer partner - whatever it is, I want to do it.

What is holding you back from your dreams?  Is it fear of failure?  Is it the fear of what people will think of you?  You'll never succeed unless you try.  Use your failures to fuel you. The most successful people failed over and over again.  And as far as being worried about what people think? The people that love you for you will be there with you along the way and they will find joy in your happiness and success.  Those are the people that matter.  Surround yourself with those people.