Monday, November 3, 2014

What are We Waiting For?

I wonder how many times I've told myself "I'll do this WHEN...." It seems like we always tell ourselves that the time isn't right for something that we want to do.

But let's get real here - when is the time perfect for anything? It's not. You end up just having to make that choice to change something in your life to do "that thing" that you want or need to do.

I always told myself that I would start a diet or start trying to work out another day. Maybe after this get together with friends. Maybe after the holidays because there are too many temptations. Maybe after vacation. But when in our lives do these things ever stop and go away?  They don't. Period.

Do you know how little time we get in this life?  Some of us might think we have our whole lives ahead of us to do things.  But why not start now and enjoy your whole life?

It's all about sacrifice and taking a good hard look at your life and deciding what you can & should change so that you can finally do that thing that you've been wanting to do.

Maybe it's finding a new job.  Maybe it's a big dream to move out of state. Maybe it's a desire to start your own business.  Maybe it's that bad relationship that you need to let go of.  Maybe it's that relationship that you need to repair. Maybe it's starting to change your lifestyle to be healthy.

They all have a common theme.

They all take sacrifice and a decision.

I don't really do a whole lot socially these days. Some days I miss it, and that's ok. But I sacrifice things in the short term to work towards my long term goals.  I have very limited time to work on my business and I need my nights to do that since I'm a stay at home Mom.

Do I always enjoy waking up at 5:00 am to get my workout in?  No. But I do it and sacrifice that extra time in bed so that I can do my therapy, treat my body well, and have the rest of the day to do things with my kids and to be productive elsewhere. Sacrificing that extra time in bed to get my workout in gives me a ton of energy to keep up with my kids and to keep myself more balanced emotionally.

Do I miss cable?  Sometimes.  Do I miss the shows I used to watch? Yes. Do those shows really matter to my life or bring any real value? No. So I sacrifice.

The whole point of this blog is just to remind myself and others that there is no perfect time to do anything. Life is busy. Life is messy. Life throws you curve balls (all the time).  If you don't just make that decision to invest in yourself or to just DO the thing you have been wanting or needing to do - it will NEVER happen.

And it all starts with the little choices.  The choices that add up over time.  I try to think about what I want my life (and myself) to look like a year from now.  Is everything I'm currently doing going to get me to where I want to be?  If not - I need to change something...or a lot of things.

Life is about living, not waiting.

What have you been wanting to do?  What kind of changes are you always talking about making.

What is holding you back?