Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tough Love

Sometimes I think tough love is super important. When I give tough loves it doesn't mean that I'm unsympathetic to people, I'm just being honest and trying to help. I was working out with Chalene Johnson this morning doing ChaLEAN Extreme and she said something that really hit home for me. She was talking about making your workouts important and scheduling the time for them.

This is what I try to teach to all of my challengers. It's important to actually schedule your workouts into your calender just like you would any other important meeting. A lot of people want to know what the best time to work out is. The answer really is - the time you know you're going to be able to focus on it. For me, it's early in the morning at 5 am. I do it before the sun rises because that's when everyone else is sleeping and I get focus on the workout and starting my day right. I know if I were to sleep in and work out later, I would have so much more time to make excuses and other people/events would eventually take up that time that I was going to use to work out later.

I asked my challengers this today.....When you woke up today, which of these mindsets did you have?

1. I'm going to TRY to work out today
2. I WILL work out today - and this is when I'm going to do it.

If you are completely honest with yourself and you said the first one, then you definitely need to work on your frame of mind. And it has NOTHING to do with how busy you are.We are all busy. You DO make time for the things that are important to you.

We all have 24 hours in a day and no matter what you tell yourself,
Saying that you'll TRY to work out today leaves you room to cop out and make excuses and you will not see the results you're after. Do you tell yourself "I'm going to TRY to go to work today?" or "I'm going to TRY to make sure my kids are fed today?" No! Because those things are important to you and they are a huge priority. When you start viewing your own health as one of those top priorities, your mindset will change and you will find yourself missing VERY few workouts. I believe our personal health should be a major priority in our lives. There is nothing selfish about wanting to take care of yourself. Your future self will thank you, you'll live a longer, healthier life, you'll have energy to keep up with your kids, and you'll SHOW your family and friends by example - what it means to take care of yourself.

Start speaking in absolutes. When you wake up today, tell yourself "I WILL work out today. I WILL care about the food I put into my body. I will show my kids that taking care of myself is super important." When you start to say these things, over time - you will absolutely start to believe them and it will become habit. And that's when you'll start to see the real changes in your life.