Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving Survival Tips

This time of year is especially hard for anyone trying to stay on track with their health and fitness goals. We work so hard throughout the year and then first we are tempted with Halloween candy and fall treats like donuts and cider. Then Thanksgiving comes and we have big family dinners, sometimes have to travel and be away from home...leaving us feeling overwhelmed being out of our routine. And finally we all have Christmas parties filled with food and drink temptations that we normally don't have to worry about.

I definitely am not going into the holidays with the mindset that I'm going to forbid myself to have anything that I wouldn't normally eat. That just isn't practical.  But I can have a plan in place to keep myself on track. So here is my plan for Thanksgiving in general.

First thing to remember is - Thanksgiving is a day, not a whole week. I know sometimes we think, "well I know I'm going to screw up this week for Thanksgiving so I'm just going to let this week go and start over next Monday". Don't do that! You have worked so hard to get to where you are now. Don't give in unnecessarily when you can make small changes to allow in some holiday fun. That's how you become part of the statistic of the average 7-10 pound weight gain over the holidays!

I'm going to get my workouts in every single day - no matter what the holidays bring to our schedule! Thursday we are leaving super early to drive to my hometown to visit with both my parents, but I still plan to wake up early to get my workout in before all the fun happens. I know that if I don't work out before the festivities I'm going to end up feeling worse with very low energy.

Then the key is PLANNING. I'm going to have a Shakeology for breakfast before we leave because I'm definitely not missing that for a day and it will leave me feeling super full until it's time for a snack later on. Plus I know it will give me the energy I need to get through a day of traveling all over to visit family! I'm thinking a Pumpkin flavored one will be perfect for Thanksgiving!

I'm going to pack healthy snacks to eat mid-morning and mid-afternoon while we are at my parents houses. I'm going to bring apples, and cauliflower and hummus. Having the food packed with you in a cooler ensures that you have a plan in place and that you won't just grab anything that's available because you are hungry. For Thanksgiving dinner, I'm going to bring my own stuffing made with Ezekiel bread (click for recipe)- so I can do my best to keep my Thanksgiving meal as clean as possible! I'm going to have a steamed sweet potato instead of mashed potatoes, and I'm going to control my portions for sure. I'll have some of the turkey breast, a healthy portion of veggies, and I'm going to skip the bread. While the bread is delicious at the time, it never seems totally worth it afterwards. I feel too bloated and uncomfortable. I will probably allow myself one piece of pumpkin pie because it IS Thanksgiving after all! I don't usually say yes to dessert so I like to allow it on special occasions and then I don't feel guilty about it.

So here is a list of some quick tips to keep you on track over the holidays. Write them down and own them!

1. Schedule EVERY workout. Plan it out like an important meeting in your calender. Don't let the holidays or travel get in the way. If it's important to you, you WILL find the time.
2. Eat a healthy snack before dinner.  A little protein and some veggies!
3. Send your guest away with all left-overs and don't take any left-overs home from parties you attend.
4. Limit the alcohol. Try to drink light if you are going to and soda water. If you usually have 3 drinks, try to limit it to 1. They are empty calories and never help progress!
5. Make sure your plate has a very nice sized portion of veggies!
6. DO NOT starve yourself before a party or dinner trying to bank the calories. You will only end up too hungry and you will overeat. Plus your body will get out of whack and will it hold onto the food you eat because it thinks it's going into starvation mode!
7. Use a smaller plate. Trick your brain! The plate will be full but you will be filling less space.
8. Keep drinking WATER. This will help you to feel more full and satisfied and you will be less likely to overeat.
8. Find an accountability coach or partner. Just having someone to talk to will help you stay on track so much more than just going at it alone. Have someone you are checking in with daily to talk about how your day is going or how you did. When someone else KNOWS your goals, you are much more likely to stick to working towards them.

>>>>Want help staying on track between Thanksgiving and Christmas?<<<<

I'm starting a health and fitness accountability and support group on December 1st. It will run for 21 days. We will be going over meal planning, doing 30 minute workouts (if you want to incorporate exercise), drinking Shakeology every day (I have some available at a special price for these 21 days), and hold each other accountable for the last month of the year. I, for one, am going to ROCK that Little Black Dress!! Are you? Let's do it together!  Message me on facebook or send me an email to get your spot in the group.