Saturday, November 22, 2014

Black Friday Sales!

Are you a Black Friday shopper? I've never really been one because it's just way too crazy for me!  I went with my sister in law a few times for a few hours when I was looking for something specific, but it's just really not for me! The crowds and the waiting coupled with the fact that I'm just not a huge shopper really add up to making it not worth it for me. :)

What I love is online deals so I can shop from my couch in my comfy yoga pants and sweatshirt. That's my kind of Black Friday shopping!

I'm super excited to share that Beachbody will also be having a Black Friday Sale and the best part is - you don't have to leave the house for these awesome deals! Could it be T25, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, P90X3, Shakeology?? It could be anything!

Be the first to know what Beachbody Black Friday Deals will be released. They will be released to us coaches first and we can share the news as soon as we know! So all I know right now is that the deals will be crazy good and there will be limited quantity.  So if you want to be the first to know you have two options.

Comment with your email address on this post or click here and create a FREE teambeachbody account.  Then, the minute I get word, you will get an email from me with all the details!

Just to give you an idea of how crazy good the deals were last year - check out what kind of deals they offered in 2013....This gets me SO excited to hear the news of this year's Black Friday Specials!!