Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Turn Your "Have To" into "Get To"

Chad and I have committed to sitting together to do some sort of devotional or to just pray together for at least 15 minutes each night. Last night we read a couple stories from this new book we got called "God Never Blinks" Our biggest takeaway was looking at things with a different perspective.  I wanted to share because I think this is so powerful and SO easy.

How many times do you use the words "I HAVE to"?  I have to take the girls to gymnastics. I have to go grocery shopping.  I have to do the laundry.  I have to go to work....

What if we replaced "HAVE to" with "GET to"  Do you know how much this changes things?

I get to take the girls to gymnastics. Isn't it a blessing that they are healthy and able to do things like this and that we have been blessed with the ability to let them be involved with something like this.

I get to go grocery shopping.  Do you know how many people don't have the blessing to go grocery shopping very much?

I get to do the laundry.  What a blessing to have clean water and a washer and dryer in my house so that I'm able to do my laundry in the comfort of my own home.  And we get to have clean clothes every time we wear them.

I get to go to work.  How many people are out there struggling to find a job?  How many people are not healthy enough to work?

Every single thing that we think we HAVE to do - should be "GET" to do.  It works with anything. Try it.  I would imagine it could change your entire day and outlook.