Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Free 7 Day Clean Eating Group

I've decided to offer a 7 day free clean eating group because so many people have been coming to me to ask for assistance with clean eating - and want to know how to get started.  With the holidays coming up - I figured now was the perfect time.  The average weight gain over the holidays can be a shocking 7-10 pounds!  Create the healthy habits now so you aren't part of that statistic. :)

I really have found that my whole life has been transformed by clean eating and by consistently doing my Beachbody workouts and I want everyone else to find something that works for them with nutrition and fitness so they can stop the cycle of fad yo-yo/crash diets.

When I first started to eat clean - I'm not going to lie, it was HARD.  You have your habits and your way of thinking and it's really hard to change those.  But I knew how important it was for my health and for my family, so I made the necessary changes and have learned so much along the way.  Once I started to see my healthy drastically improve and my habits changing after time - I'll never go back to the way I was (or the way I was eating)

So if I can help the process along by giving you a 7 day meal plan, daily accountability, motivation and support - then that's what I'd love to do!

What are the requirements?

1. You must make me your official Beachbody Coach by going to my site and creating a free profile.  This way I can send you recipes, meal plans and monthly motivation and tips to keep you on track with your lifestyle.

2. You must participate for the next 7 days in our online closed facebook group each day.

3. Commit to checking in one time per day, rating your day and charting your progress.

4. Invite 2 friends to join you!  Why not bring others along for the ride?  There is nothing better than having an accountability partner with you for the 7 days.  You are always more likely to stick with something if you have someone right by your side doing it with you.

What do you get for joining?

1. You get a free 7 day meal plan.

2. A grocery list.

3. A place to check in daily, ask questions, get support and motivation.

4. Daily tips of different things that have worked well for me so far.

5. Strategies to handle emotional eating and temptations.

We will being the group on Monday, November 10th, so please reserve your spot today!

>>>>>Email me at or send me a message on facebook to get enrolled in the free group.

>>>>>This is for new and existing customers.  If you already have a coach you are working with, please contact your coach for details on their next group.