Friday, November 7, 2014

We All Have Bad Days

Since I've become a Beachbody coach, my outlook on life and the way I choose to live has changed dramatically. I am a more positive person and I really try to see the good in every situation now. I've done a lot of personal development over the last few months and I know that it has done wonders for me.

I know that life is all about choices. Bad things are going to happen. Bad days are going to happen. Just because I'm a Beachbody coach and my job is to inspire and support others doesn't mean that I'm not prone to bad days too. :) It's the choice on how we react that makes or breaks you.

Even though I know all of this - I still have bad days. Some days you just aren't going to feel "it". It meaning - anything. I'm just having one of those days today. You know one of those days where nothing big goes wrong, but 100 little things go wrong?  Like folding laundry and having your 1 year old help because she loves to "fold" (throw) laundry? And she thinks the best place to sit while doing so is right underneath you? And then she throws her head up (a head that is in the 100th percentile for circumference) and whacks you in the jaw and you bite your entire tongue? Or when your kids are taking a bath and playing nice and then one of them decides that the best place to dump a huge glass of bath water is outside the tub?

All of these things are SO trivial. I know. And I'm so thankful that these trivial things are the only things that are going "wrong" right now. These are all part of life. I was able to take a step back, and to pray for peace and patience. Sometimes we just move too fast through life that we let everything overwhelm us. Sometimes I put too much on my plate and try to do too much at once and then I'm slapped in the face with reality and the reminder to just SLOW DOWN. As hard as these slaps are sometimes, I know they are so necessary.

We are meant to enjoy life - not to plan out every second of them. Not to be rushing around and fitting in as much as we possibly can. It's all about balance. I just need to work on a little more balance. But don't we all? I also think that days like this are necessary because it's just another reminder that God is in the driver's seat. Sometimes I like to take that wheel and pretend that I can steer on my own because I know the best way to get where I'm going. But I know the truth and the truth is that I'd rather have God in that driver's seat navigating my life. He knows what He is doing a whole lot more than I do.

On a super positive note - I'm starting my 3 Day Refresh tomorrow and I'm so excited. I tried it once before and did it at a terrible time so I'm looking forward to buckling down to get the awesome results of what this program has to offer. I have a photo shoot on Friday and I want to feel and look my best!! With a few too many Halloween treats and poor food choices over the last few weeks this couldn't come at a better time. Time to get rid of the bloat and to get a nice, healthy boost and cleanse!