Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Have you been telling yourself that you'd love to start exercising and eating better? That you really just need to "do something!!" What holds you back from starting?  I know for me, my excuses were always far more powerful than my will to change things.

What were some of my excuses?

1. Not enough time.
2. I don't want to spend money on a gym membership.
3. I'll just waste money and will quit the workout program after a few days.
4. I don't eat that bad!
5. I'm too tired.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say many of you might have similar excuses?

What do I say to my excuses now?

1. Not enough time. We all have 24 hours in a day and we make choices on how we want to spend it.  I understand that we have different schedules with work and kids and whatever - but there is always something you can sacrifice to find the time.  I sacrifice sleeping in the morning.  I wake up at 5am so I can get my workouts in before my kids get up.  We also cancelled cable and watch no TV.  What if you gave up just 1 show that you watch and worked out instead?

2. I don't want to spend money on a gym membership. I still don't want to!  Which is why I love Beachbody programs that I can do right at home.  I love working out by myself at home.  I don't have the travel time to and from the gym, I can do it when my girls are sleeping, and its definitely way less expensive.  If I got a gym membership I know that I wouldn't go.  So I made the choice to do something right here at home!

3. I'll just waste money and will quit the workout program after a few days. I definitely had this in the back of my head when I first took the plunge and got T25 and Shakeology.  It seemed like such a big investment at the time when I worried that I might not stick to it.  The awesome part about Beachbody is the challenge groups.  I have been held accountable and have been so inspired by so many other awesome coaches that I haven't missed ONE workout the whole time since I've started.  I often do double workouts!  I can't say enough great things about what an awesome experience being in a challenge group is.  I have learned so much about fitness and healthy/clean eating, meal planning, and SO much more.  I have definitely not wasted my money!  So many of us don't think about it when we drop $5-$10 here and there for coffee or lunch out. Did you know that Shakeology is only $4 a day (less if you sign up as a preferred member/discount coach)??  That seems pretty reasonable to me for the most healthy meal of the day!  It's all about perspective and what you're willing to give up. Can you give up your Starbucks run and make coffee at home? There's your Shakeology cost!

4. I don't eat that bad! Since learning so much about good, healthy clean eating - I can most certainly say that I DID eat THAT bad.  My body was trying to tell me my whole life that I wasn't taking care of it.  Now that I finally am  - with proper exercise, awesome nutrition and Shakeology - I can't even describe how my overall health has changed.  NO Migraines, so much more energy, more focused, and haven't been sick.  I can't even tell you how often I used to get colds and upset stomachs before.  It's amazing how things can change when you are focusing on taking care of your body properly!

5. I'm too tired. Best thing I've learned of all - I WAS too tired because I wasn't doing any of this.  My body was sluggish and weak and tired because I fed it nonsense and didn't work my body.  I'm most certainly filled with tons more energy these days.

I hope this maybe can help with some of your fears/excuses/anxieties about trying something new.  About taking the next (or first) step in your own journey.

I'd love to have you join my exclusive August Challenge group!  Contact me for details and I'd love to chat about how I can help you reach your own goals.