Monday, July 21, 2014

5 Reasons Why Strength Training Is Important To Me

I've always had it in my head that cardio is the best option and use of my time if I'm going to work out - because it burns the calories and gets your heart rate up.  But I've learned a lot of awesome things about strength training that has totally changed my perception on this.

Here are 5 reasons why I've started to lift weights (even if I'm starting small) and why I don't focus on just cardio anymore...

1. Builds muscle which burns fat.  Do you want a leaner, "toned" body?  This is the way to get it.  Building muscle and training slowly will create visible muscle tone and definition. You may not burn as many calories as you would if you went for a run (depending on the intensity of your weight training), but you'll continue to burn elevated calories long after you're done lifting weights.  Weight lifting has been scientifically proven to boost BMR (basal metabolic rate) for up to 24 hours post-workout.

2. Helps to prevent the metabolic decline that comes with aging.  Weight lifting can reverse the natural decline in your metabolism.  It's so important to keep your metabolism elevated for as long as possible and I'm surely going to do whatever I can to make that happen!

3. Strengthens your bones.  Not only are you building muscle and toning your body, but you're also building strength in your bones.  It can increase bone density and reduces the risks of fractures and osteoporosis.

4. Improves Posture. Good posture preserves the spine and reduces lower back pain.  Having strong shoulders, neck, and core help you to stand up straight.

5. Releases Endorphins and Reduces Stress.  Exercise and weight-training releases endorphins that prevent pain, improve mood, and enhance pleasure.  They are released during longer, continuous workouts where the intensity is moderate to high.  Weight training is one of the best ways to improve mood, especially if you struggle with depression and/or anxiety.