Friday, July 25, 2014

Recipe: Whole Wheat Mac & Cheese

What you need:
  • 2 cups whole wheat pasta
  • 2tbs butter
  • 1/3 cup whipping cream
  • 2 tbs whipping cream
  • 1.5 cups freshly graded cheese (I used sharp cheddar for most of it and then added some Parmesan)
  • salt
  • pepper
How to get it done: 
  1. cook the whole wheat pasta according to the box instructions
  2. after pasta is cooked, place them in a separate bowl for a bit
  3. melt the butter in the pan you cooked the pasta in on medium low heat
  4. after butter is melted, add the 1/3 cup whipping cream and mix together
  5. add the noodles back in and stir
  6. add the cheese and stir and reduce heat to low
  7. after the cheese is melted and stirred in nicely, add the final 2 tbs of whipping cream
**We always get our blocks of cheese from Costco because they are so reasonably priced.  If you've only purchased shredded cheese in a bag, I strongly urge you to try getting a block and shredding it yourself.  It tastes SO much better and you don't have the added ingredients they put in the pre-shredded bagged cheese.

All I have to say is YUM.  I can't remember the last time I ate pasta and this little dish really hit the spot tonight.  When I was planning on making it, I told myself I would make something different for myself to eat. But then when I was preparing it and saw the finished product I figured, what the heck, just eat it this once!It's super clean, just higher in calories that I usually eat - so it's not like it's bad for me.

What prompted this?  Hmm, there was this little post going around Facebook (from foodbabe) earlier this week that made me want to puke.

I mostly felt sick about it because while I never got this microwavable ones for my kids - I certainly did feed Stella the boxed kind a long time ago before I realized what all this crap in the ingredients meant.  Honestly when people would talk about "eating organic" before, I got really annoyed.  It all just seemed so fishy and gimmicky to me - everything started to be organic in stores even though it looked like it was clearly still so bad for you.  But since I've been on my health and fitness journey and have decided to learn a lot more about "clean eating" - my eyes are just so wide open to how much awful food is out there.  

I'll never be one to look down on anyone for eating what they want - I just want to share information in case people might be like me and just didn't understand much before about clean eating.  And I'm certainly not perfect and do sometimes eat things that aren't great for me.  But 95% of the time, I make the "clean" choices and my body truly thanks me for it!

Recipe adapted by 100 Days of Real Food