Wednesday, July 16, 2014

5 Simple Ways to Eat Clean

I never used to eat clean - not even close.  To be honest, I never really gave it much thought.  I used to eat so much processed, packaged meals it wasn't even funny.  It was easy, it was cheap, and I never had a burning desire to get an apron on and spend some time in the kitchen.  I hardly ate any fruits or vegetables, I never drank water, and I drank way too much diet coke.  Sounds like an overall great diet, right?

As I've gotten into my journey, I've completely turned my eating habits around and I'm so thankful that we live in a world with the internet so I can read blogs about things like clean eating and learn so much in just a short period of time.  But unfortunately this world we live in is also full of dangerously processed foods that are no good for our bodies. 

I'm not claiming to be so strict that I won't ever eat anything that is processed - but I really try to be mindful not to.

To make this post short - I'd like to offer 5 simple ways I've changed my eating habits to try to keep it clean. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination - but I'm surely trying to be conscious of what I'm putting in my body (and my kids' bodies!)

1. For the love of all things holy - READ ingredient labels.  If there is a huge list, put the box down. If there are ingredients that can't be pronounced, put the box down.  If you see a list like this, please run.
so many things wrong with this picture.
2. Only eat 100% whole wheat/grains - stay away from white flour.  And if the ingredients say "wheat flour" - that does not mean 100% whole wheat.

3. No (limit) diet soda. Drink lots of water. I could write a whole blog post on this one.  But this one was the hardest part of this whole eating clean gig for me.  I LOVE Diet Coke - I mean love. I'm convinced there is a hard drug in there to get you hooked.  I haven't been perfect and I couldn't admit that I don't drink it at all - I've just made big changes.  We never keep it in the house which has made things much easier in the transition.  I used to drink 2 cans a day and now I might have a can once every other week.  Some things you need to do in moderation.  I know I shouldn't drink it at all, but sometimes a girl just needs her diet coke.

4. Limit sugar and high fructose corn syrup.  If there are natural sugars in something, that's usually ok (in moderation like anything else), but if the ingredient list shows sugar, especially at the top of the list, this means there is added sugar.  Not good people, not good.

5. Eat veggies & fruit every day.  Even if I am boring and eat the same few - it's better than not eating any.