I used to dread a certain part about summer.....summer clothes. I couldn't stand wearing shorts - at all! I remember my husband always telling me to go put shorts on because I would wear jeans all the time even when it was 90 degrees out. I was so self conscious of the extra weight and felt very uncomfortable in my skin. I liked fall/winter clothes because it's just so much easier to hide everything under jeans and sweatshirts....you feel me?
And don't even think about getting into a swim suit around a lot of people. No way. I would have to keep a tank top on because I didn't want people to see the extra weight in my stomach.
I didn't want to be in any pictures - because when I would see pictures that were taken, I would almost want to cry because I just wanted to be proud of my body. If I didn't see it in pictures, I wouldn't have to think about it. This might be too much information - but I would NEVER look at myself after getting out of the shower or getting dressed because I did not want to even look at my body. In one sense that makes me so sad that I felt that way - but in another sense, SO happy that I finally did something about it and feel completely different now. I'm sure at least a few of you could relate to those feelings?
But the truth of the matter is - for most of my life I treated my body like pure crap. I didn't eat well at all. Used to go out to eat a lot, never ate vegetables, mostly packaged and quick things because I didn't know better and I just didn't care to make any changes. Honestly - I had no idea that the foods I was eating were causing me to be so unhealthy. And I definitely used to partake in too many adult beverages than is healthy for your body. Of course that all changed after I had kids - but before that....it definitely added to my extra weight and unhealthiness.
But last year I decided I wanted to change my life and my health FAR more than I wanted to stay the same. I joined my first challenge group and decided to start with T25 and Shakeology....learned the basics of clean eating - was extremely dedicated to being consistent with everything. I didn't miss a workout, I ate clean and healthy at least 80% of the time, allowing cheats here and there (because I think that's really healthy to do), and I drank Shakeology every single day.
And everything changed. My health changed. My body changed. My mindset changed. My emotional state changed. My life changed.
Forced to wear shorts because it was about 100 degrees at Disney. I was so uncomfortable and self conscious |
After completing my first round of the 21 Day Fix |
When I was signing up and ordering that very first challenge pack I was so nervous because I looked at it as a cost. It didn't seem cheap to me and I was just hoping that this whole package and the challenge group would help me. Well - I think it's safe to say that everything was pretty life changing. Now I would never look at any of this as a "cost"...but rather an investment. An investment in my health and living a happier life. If I didn't have the support of my coach and the accountability group, I don't know if I woud have stuck with it all when I didn't see results right away. It's way too easy to skip that one or two workouts and eat some bad food when nobody is watching. But when you know you are checking in daily with a group of people who are there for you - it really does push you. I was inspired to keep moving and to trust the process....and I'm so happy I did!
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Very unhealthy on the left. Extremely healthy, happy, confidence and an example to my family on the importance of taking care of yourself |
Since that first program, I have done several more - but my favorite program that I've done so far is the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme. I LOVE sharing this program with others and getting them started on it because it's just the whole package. It teaches you the basics of portion control and clean eating and includes a really simple nutrition guide that lays everything right out for you. The workouts are amazing and my favorites, and it also comes with Shakeology - which I feel is essential to the process. I will drink Shakeology every day and have since July 2014! I drink it for the health benefits now, not for weight loss. I just had some routine bloodwork done and my doctor told me I had some of the best results he had seen in a long time...especially my cholesterol levels. He said "whatever you're doing - keep doing it, because you're really healthy!"
So why am I sharing all of this? Because as I prepare for the arrival of summer and I remember the way I used to feel, I can't help but think there are others out there who feel similar to the way I felt. And I want people to FEEL better. And I know from experience, that's it's possible. I'm not saying we all need to get ripped and get six-pack abs and super-model bodies. Heck - I'm not even close to that! But I want to help people learn how to take care of their bodies through proper nutrition and exercise. The good ole fashioned way - and the only one that really works.
To prepare for summer, I want to invite you to join me in a 6 week bootcamp starting April 20th! There will be just enough time to fit in 2 rounds of the 21 Day Fix if that's the program you decide on (which I highly recommend!) I will teach you the basic princples of clean eating, how to properly fuel your body with the right foods and for healthy weight loss. I want to help teach you how to make this a lifestyle - not another yo-yo diet that ends in disappointment. I dont believe in dieting - it doesn't work long term. Lifestyle changes do!
I will be sharing meal plans, helping you create your own, and will be here along your journey to help you with any questions you have and I will be your biggest cheerleader and supporter. We can go over your personal goals together and figure out what the best course of action for you is. This is my passion and I absolutely love what I do and I love to help people make positive changes in their lives so that they can feel amazing and confident. I could go on and on....
Shakeology and then I will get you added to my closed online accountability and support group where each and every day for 6 weeks you will get complete support from me as your coach, daily interaction with others in the group, and the accountability you really need to reach your goals.
If you'd like more information or just want to talk more about how to get started - I would love to chat with you. Please email me or message me on facebook and we can talk!