So what's going on lately? I feel like things have been a whirlwind!
Fitness Life: After I finished the 21 Day Fix, I started ChaLEAN Extreme. I really love Chalene and the program and she's gotten me to really have a new passion for strength training with weights. I love it more than cardio now for sure. But I enjoyed the 21 Day Fix so much that I found myself choosing to do that some days instead of ChaLEAN I definitely haven't followed the program calender by any means. I think I've been following programs to a T so much that I just wanted to give myself a little leeway to choose the workout I wanted to do each day based on how I was feeling - so that's been nice.
I also knew that I was going to start the new Insanity Max:30 program on December 15th and I'm DEFINITELY following that workout calender and meal plan exactly. I'm going to get crazy results on this one. I cannot wait to get it in the mail so I can read everything and start trying some of the workouts out before our test group starts. I'm super pumped that all of us coaches are starting it and trying it for the first time together and that we get to bring challengers in with us too. It's going to be a riot. I'm waiting for my 3 Day Refresh to come in the mail any day. So I'm going to do that right before I start Max:30 and then dive into this head first. I don't even care that Christmas parties are coming - I'm going to STAY DEDICATED. I am looking forward to sticking to the portion controlled containers throughout the program too - I know how much better I feel when I do that. I feel like I've been slacking a little bit too much in the food department and want to get totally back on track. I'm completely terrified and excited all at the same time for these workouts though! Let me know if you want to do it with me! It's going to be fun and you'll get in the best shape of your life.
Coaching Life: Holy cow, I never dreamed I would love doing this as much as I do. I've said it a million times already, but I'm so happy to have found something that I have so much fun doing. I've always wanted to help people, just didn't know what that meant for me or how I was supposed do to that. Now I get to do that every day. When I get messages from my challengers telling me of their success, their weight loss, their new pair of pants they had to buy because they needed a size smaller, their completely changed attitude in life, their increased energy....(you get the point) - it just MAKES my day...every time. And I get paid for this??
We have so many fun events coming up that I'm looking forward to. In January our whole team is going to Pittsburgh for a quarterly coaching event. We are going there because my upline coach, Melanie Mitro is hosting it and Carl Daikeler and Autumn Calabrese are going to be there too. Getting to meet those three has been a dream to me since I started coaching. Melanie is the number one coach in the entire company, Carl is the CEO and Autumn is one of my favorite trainers and the creator of the 21 Day Fix. After that event - the next day Melanie is holding an exclusive training for us and then throwing a huge celebration bash for our team and to celebrate her being #1 coach for 2014. EXCITED is an understatement. I'm especially excited to spend some quality time with my own coaches since they are all coming with me! :)
April we have our coach trip to Cancun!! I'm sure Chad and I will be more than ready to get away by the time April comes around (who isn't). So Beachbody has this trip planned for coaches. You can earn your trip for free so they give really great incentives. I have 85% of our trip earned already and I have no doubt in my mind that in the next 2 months I'll have earned the trip completely free for both Chad and I to go. This trip is purely leisure and relaxing. YES PLEASE!!
July we have our annual Summit and that's in Nashville. This event is jam packed of tons of trainings from some of the top coaches and many people that I completely admire, live workouts with the celebrity trainers, and tons of team building. Oh - and did I mention that it's in Nashville? I've always wanted to go there!!
Home Life: We are having Vera's 2nd birthday party tomorrow and I'm completely flabbergasted that she is already going to be two. Her actual birthday is on the 10th. I let her pick what kind of party she wanted and she she quickly decided on Frozen. So I went to good ole Party City and picked up a few things, made a funfetti cake (really hard, I know - I slaved on it all day), let the girls decorate it with frosting and sprinkles, and got some balloons. I caved and bought a Frozen helium balloon from the dollar store and you would think it was their favorite toy they have ever had. It's always the simple things, isn't it?? My friend Ann was super sweet and is letting us borrow her daughter's Elsa braid and she made Vera a cute little tool skirt to wear. I didn't even ask her to do it and she did it anyway. It's people like this that make my heart completely burst. People that think of helping others and taking time out of their day to do something special for someone else. She also said she just "whipped it up". If I were to just try to whip up a skirt, it would look like something that doesn't resemble a skirt at all!
But I think our almost two year old is completely psyched for her party. She is such a funny little fire cracker and we love seeing her personality develop and grow. I've never met a funnier little kid in my life. Not only is she funny, but she is very strong willed, smart, and won't let anyone cross her. We are still convinced that will she be a football player one day. And she will probably refuse to wear a helmet.
I know your Friday night and your life is probably now complete after reading about the recent happening in my life. :) Thanks for stopping by to check it out. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Only 20 days until Christmas - WHAT??