I haven't been blogging as much as I want to and I have been making excuses. There is always the excuse of being busy and not having enough time to do everything I want to do. And while that is true - I do completely believe that we make time for the things that are important to us. So here I am, blogging...because it's something that makes my heart happy.
Work is always going to be there. It's a never-ending to do list. Housework will always be here. Let's be honest - I could do a lot more of that. But you have to pick and choose your priorities and not get upset at yourself for not being able to do everything ALL the time.
I've been thinking a lot lately about my challenge groups, my challengers and their results, and how I can get out there and reach more people to help.
When I first started coaching - my focus was on helping people lose weight. Because I just kind of figured that it was something that most people would want. There is an obesity epidemic in our society and it really is causing a lot of health problems for so many people. How many of you reading this would like to lose at least 10 pounds? I'm guessing 90% of you. I used to be there too. Focused on the scale. How low can I get that number? For me, it never could get that low because let's face it - I love food. I've completely changed my diet to be 90% clean so it's ok that I love food - but I'm never going to cut calories so low just to get that dumb number down on the scale. And because two words. Peanut butter.
What my focus has turned to is HEALTH. How can I help people just get healthy. Because if you think about it - if you just focus on the right steps to make your lifestyle as healthy as possible - the weight is just an after-effect. Definitely a nice one if you have weight to lose..but you get what I'm saying.
When I started my journey with Beachbody as a challenger over a year ago, I decided I would do T25 beacuse it seemed like a good cardio program. Before I started my first challenge group as a challenger myself - I was watching what I was eating, but I was definitely doing it all wrong. I thought low fat and low calorie foods were the answer. I had no idea what clean eating was and what artificial ingredients in all those foods were actually doing to my body. I have learned so much through my challenge groups and the MOST through following the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan.
Let's back up a little bit. My whole life I ate like complete garbage. I don't even know how I wasn't 200lbs. I guess my younger self had a higher metabolism than I thought. Lots of junk food, always ate out, never drank water - only diet coke, high sugar coffee drinks, and alcohol. What a nice combination, right? Then I would complain about being sick all the time, blaming it on my genetics and stress. I'm sure the stress part was dead on - but I wasn't aware of the stress I was putting on my insides just by filling it with absolute trash all of the time. A diet coke and a s'mores pop tart is not a healthy breakfast it turns out. I almost want to gag thinking about the things I used to eat on a regular basis. But anyway - I digress....
So in May of last year, I started my first challenge group and learned about clean eating. And just as important - I started drinking Shakeology every single day.
When I started noticing the drastic improvements in my HEALTH - both physically and mentally, I cared less about the scale and way more on how I could continue this journey to being the healthiest me.
My husband is still amazed that I NEVER get sick any more. I'm talking never. I used to be someone who suffered from horrible migraines all my life, always had a cold or stomach flu....to now - never getting sick.
I don't think it's a coincidence.
So this is my focus and this is what I want to share with the world.
When my challengers come to me and tell me how much the program they are doing, the challenge group and their support has completely changed their life and that they have never felt better both physically AND emotionally - I feel like I did my job and served them right as their coach.
I want people to feel amazing. I want other Moms to have the energy and health to be super active with their kids. And I want them to teach the next generation what it means to really take care of yourself - through being active and through proper nutrition. The proper nutrition piece is so incredibly important, especially in this day and age when we have 90% of our grocery stores filled with food that is horrible for us.
I am so happy that I have found Beachbody - because it has truly changed my life and given me the ability to help so many others change theirs!