I'm doing the brand new program, created by Autumn Calabrese with 58 other people for the next 30 days. We are following the same workout calendar and the nutrition plan and we are going to ROCK it!
It's been a little while since I did a program from start to finish since I've been just bouncing around doing different workouts for a while waiting for this one to come out!
And while I follow the 80/20 rule with clean eating - I haven't been following a set plan for a while and things can get really LAX doing that, let me tell you....especially during Summer!!
So today is DAY ONE.
Ok so yes I'm a health and fitness coach and I focus on being healthy, but I'm also human and I live a balanced life. Sometimes I'm super focused, and other times I let loose a little bit more. Especially summertime and when there are vacations!
So this couldn't come at a better time because I have fluff I want to get rid of and I want to really focus in on my nutrition.
Can't wait to share the Day 1 and Day 30 photos at the end of this journey!!
So far Day 1 is going so amazing!
I woke up and did the first workout - Country Swing with my little girl Stella. It's so fun to dance together and my little ones love doing it with me!
Breakfast was simple and delicious. You guys - the only way I can do this lifestyle is by keeping it SIMPLE. I'm not a big recipe cook. I just have my basic ingrediets....make sure to always have my necessities and eat simple!!!
This week I'm going to do egg whites, spinach and fruit for breakfast. Oh yeah, Mama brought back out the containers. I told you I'm getting serious for the next 30 days!! I'm going to Florida in exactly a month with a bunch of my coach frannnnns and I'm rocking my suit!
Today it was super simple - 1 scoop vegan chocolate shakeo (the BEST one, and the one I recommend to EVERY new client of mine), 1/2 cup water, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, a couple drops of pure peppermint extract and LOADS of ice. Seriously just like DESSERT.
And for dinner - I like to switch it up and have different proteins, veggies and then usually sweet potato of some variation. Tonight I had baked salmon, baked sweet potato with some cinnamon on top, and sauteed brussel sprouts!
And another important part of the process is TONS of water. My goal for today was 100oz spread throughout the day. I use an app on my iPhone called "Water Buddy"....it sends me reminders to drink water and I go fill up my cup and drink drink drink!! If you don't have it, download it!! It's so great. Because seriously so much of the time we just forget to drink water, but it's so vital to the process.
So that's my Day 1. I can't wait to see the rest of this 30 day journey unfold. I'm telling you - I'm going to have some GREAT results!!
If you haven't tried Country Heat yet - you're missing out. It's seriously the most fun I've had working out in a while. Let me know if you want to try it out!!
Krysta Joelle